Chapter 27

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Flash back

"Stranger danger!" I shouted,  walking closer to him.

"Chloe! You came!" He called out to me.

I can't believe it. It's him! Where has he been? I can't lie, I missed him so much.


End of flash back

"I can't believe you came" he said, and stood up from the bench.

He walked up to me, as I just stood there speechless.

Not because I didn't know what to say, but because I had too much to say.

Where's he been?

Is he okay?

Does he have another girlfriend?

But I decided to ask , "Why did you call me here?" I ask, as I go closer to him to return the hug.

"I've been thinking" he started, as he lead me towards the bench he was sitting on.

"Do you... do you miss me?" He asked, leaning back on the bench.

Do I miss him?

I don't know...

"I never thought about it" I reply, looking at everything but him.

"Did you notice that I was gone?" He asked, out of the blue. Or purple..

"Yeah I guess" I said, trying to sound unsure.

I don't want him to know that I noticed.

"Do you remember when we first met?" He asked.


"Remember when I lost my pencil then you magically found the one you lost months ago and it happened to look exactly like the one I just lost?" He asked, reminding me of the days when we were together.

"It could've been a miracle!" I joked.

He laughed

Joe never laughed at my jokes...

"Or theft?"

"I would never steal" I defend, enjoying this conversation.

"Does you stealing a packet of lays count?" He asked, making me laugh, again

"I was hungry!" I lie, laughing even more as I watched him grin.

"You didn't even steal it for yourself" he complained, making me sound stupid.

"I stole it for you"I assured him.

"Still stealing though"

"You're annoying"

"I know"

We laughed for a while and just stared at the shy.

I miss this.

Even though he cheated on me, some part of me still wants him back.

Jayden has anger issues and Joe doesn't laugh at my jokes, and he also is really sketchy.

So I don't really know if they are the right ones for me, yet.

"Chloe?" He called me, bringing me back to earth.


He took out a box of expensive chocolates and a rose

"Would you be my valentine?"


Hey guys!
Hope you enjoyed the chapter:)

Shout out to prettypurlepegasus

Please vote and comment on my book.


Tripped and fell Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz