Chapter 25

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Chloes POV

What have I done!?

I literally wish I could crawl up in a hole and cry.

What am I going to do?

This is way too much for me too handle.

Why did I let him kiss me? What's wrong with me!?

I should've resisted. It was just the urge to finally get to kiss someone. When last did I have that? That moment where no one else in the world matters? I was desperate. And now I regret it.


"Jayden wait!" I called out to him, as he stormed off to his car.

"Jayden!" I called him again, so frustrated at the fact that he isn't even answering me.

"Jayden!" I called him again, getting close enough to grab his arm, he yanked it away and gave me a cold glare.

Even though he tried to hide it, I could see the hurt in his eyes.

I was so relieved when I noticed we were the only ones outside.

"Jayden it's not what it looks like.."
I finally say, staring at an ant carrying a bread crum to a small hole in the ground.

I finally looked up, and noticed that he wasn't looking at me, he was looking at the sky, it was almost like he didn't want me to see his tears.

And just blinking them away wasn't enough to hold them back.

Seeing him so upset was already bad, but knowing that I caused it was worse than worse.

"It doesn't even matter anyway, Joe is better than me in every way, so I saw this coming." He said, looking everywhere but me.

"Jayden you know thats not true!" I screamed, starting to think that maybe he's right.

"Do I? Then why did you choose him ? I'm not stupid Chloe!" He said, and suddenly I remembered all the cruel things he has done to me over the past few weeks.

Why was he making me feel like this was my fault!?

"What's wrong with you!? You are the reason why I've been avoiding you all this time! Don't you remember all those times when you embarrassed me? When you didn't want me to ruin your reputation ? When you pretended not to know me?" I reminded him, beginning to cry.

"Are you done?"

The blank stare he gave me was painful, he didn't even acknowledge the fact that this is all his fault. That he made things end this way.

"Y-yes I'm done."


Mom— heyyyy!! How's my fav doing?? :))

Me— not so good... :'(

Mom— omg what happened????

Me— I feel like I just got dumped.

Mom— oh my, don't worry baby I'll be back tmr night!

Me— ok bye

Mom— bye

I was scared to tell her what happened. I didn't want to ruin her friendship with the Harebottle family...

I don't know what to do...


It was an unknown caller...

But I picked it up, maybe it's Jayden?


"H-hello?, excuse me is this Chloe Mills?"


"This is the police"

"Oh um, what's wrong?"

"We are afraid to inform you that your father is dead."



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What nickname should Chloe give Jayden?

Tripped and fell Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora