Chapter 14

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I jump out the car and head straight towards the door, aggressively shoving my hand in my bag, desperately looking for my key.

"We don't have all day you know" Jayden calls out, from inside his car.

"Shut up, I'm trying" I yell, digging deeper into my bag.

"Are you looking for this?"

Oh sh*t

"Why are you home so early dad?" I turn around and ask him, feeling my heart beat faster and faster.

"I came to ask you if you've done what I've asked of you." He told me.

"Yes I'm almost done actually" I lie, feeling very guilty.

"Good, I'll come get the stuff by 3pm."

"Why couldn't you just text me?" I ask, very worried about the fact that he literally wasted all that time to drive here, when he could've just texted.

"My phone died... how don't you know that? The first thing on the list was a new charger because my phone charger broke." He asks, and crosses his arms over his chest.

"I Uh- I forgot, my bad" I fake laugh. And scratch me head.

Jaydens POV

I step out the car and walk up to Chloe and her dad.

Her dad gives me a look and asks, "Oh and before I go, why did you leave the house with a rope and in knife? Is there something I need to know kiddo?"

"No! I mean ... no there's nothing you need to know" she replies, very quickly making it so obvious that she's lying.

I know you guys probably hate me. But let me tell you my  side of the story:


You received a message from Makenzie

Why doesn't she get that I don't want to be with her?!

There's nothing she can do that will ever change my mind.

I have my eyes on someone else

Makenzie- hey babe

Me— what do you want?

Makenzie— not even a 'hey'??

Me— I don't have time for your games Makenzie.

Makenzie— I love how that sounds coming from your mouth.

Me— I texted it.

Makenzie—you're hot


Makenzie— fine fine! Stop talking to that thing.

Is she talking about Chloe?!


Makenzie— do you really want me to tell everyone that you slept with Stacy?

Me— you know it was a mistake

Makenzie— it's your choice.

We didn't say anything after that. I couldn't let her tell everyone at school. That would be bad. Very bad.

I wouldn't last a day at school. And my reputation would be ruined.
The only person I would ever let ruin my reputation is

The girl I have my eyes on.

I didn't think she was being serious until I walked into the classroom with Chloe and noticed the death glare Makenzie was giving me.

Oh she's seriously.

I'm sorry Chloe


Her dad leaves us at the door, giving me a couple more glares.

Chloe opens the door and walks in, I follow and make myself comfortable by sitting on her large couch and turning on the tv.

She brings popcorn and makes herself comfortable about 2 couches away from me.

Is it weird that I don't like popcorn?

We watch tv for about 20 minutes until I realize something.

A rope and knife?

"Chloe did you try to kill yourself?"

HEYYYYYY! Hope you enjoyed the chapter.

Sorry it's short :(

Please vote and comment!! ;)))

QOTD: What's your favorite color?

Mines red ❤️

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