Chapter 20

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"What are you doing here?" Jayden asked me, with disgust written all over his face, as he watched me brush my hair.

I role my eyes and pretend I didn't hear him.

I've been living here for the past week now and he hasn't even noticed that I've been here?

"I asked you a question" he reminded me, as he glares at me.

Why is he even talking to me?

I role my eyes again and continue too ignore him.

He comes closer and aggressively snatches the brush from my hand.

"I asked you a question!" He repeats, getting really angry all of a sudden.

"Leave me alone." I say, glaring at him too.

How dare he steal my brush?

"What did I even do to you?" I asked him out of no where.

I really want to know. I thought he liked me... remember the almost kiss? Never forget the almost kiss.

We stared at each other for about 2 minutes and he finally decided to speak.

", you didn't do anything"

"Then why are you treating me like this?" I ask, not beating around the bush.

"If I t-tell you... you'll hate me" he said, taking a step back.

I'm pretty sure it's not that bad...

"I already hate you, I can't possibly hate you more" I said, trying to motivate him to say it, even though deep down I still love him. I think

"I... I got Stacy pregnant"

Stacys POV

Ok ok I know y'all hate me but I have to say my side of the story.


4 years ago...

"I'll need you to be friends with my daughter" Chloes dad told me as I got off his bed and wore my shirt.

"Why? I'm 22, I have better things to do" I reply.

"Yes but that's the only way I can get you into the house without my wife suspecting anything." He told me, while rubbing his hands against mine.

"Why don't you just kill your wife?" I suggested.

"It's not that easy"

"What if your daughter doesn't like me?" I ask, trying to show him how dumb his idea is.

"She'll love you! I love you don't I? You look her age, so you can just create a fake ID and join her class, she has no friends so she'll obviously want to be friends with you" he assured me as he put his pants on.

"Ok fine but if you ever leave me, I will break your daughters heart, got it?" I threaten him and walk out the room.

3 years later...

He left me and later became an alcoholic.

He left me when he found out that I was pregnant. And because of that I had to abort the child.

I later found out that the abortion went wrong and I could never become pregnant again.

I always dreamt of having children, but because of him I couldn't have that.

I spent a year trying to come up with the perfect plan to ruin his life. I knew  his boutique shop plan. I knew that he wanted to kill someone there.

So I called the cops.

After that, I decided to go for my next target. And my next target was his precious little daughter.

Earlier that day , I had called her mother to tell her that Chloe wanted to kill herself, and gave her the address.

Obviously, if a mother knew her child wanted to kill herself, she would come right away.

So obviously, she came.

I wanted Chloe to live with her mother, since I knew that Chloes dad had gone to prison.

Because if Chloe lives with anyone else I wouldn't know where she was at all times.

So I needed to know that she lived with her mom.

I also decided to steal her boyfriend Luke, by manipulating him into kissing me, for money.

And I got his dad fired from his job on the day Chloe landed in hospital, so Luke's dad would have to move into a smaller house, in another city.

I lied to Jayden that I was pregnant, just so he would be forced to love me, and slowly drift away from Chloe.


Hey guys!! Sorry I took so long too write. I had writers block.

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Love you :)))

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