Naughty boy

217 11 1

TW: mention of a case, penetrative sex, oral sex (Spencer receiving), phonesex, masturbation (both)


August 29th - Friday

Ava had been back last sunday after being gone for a week. She had a doctors appointment later and was still sleeping, so Spencer was trying to be silent as he made coffee in the kitchen, thinking about the last week.

They had fucked like crazy, every morning and mostly three times each night. The sex was fantastic but what he really loved was falling asleep and waking up next to her, as well as just having her around. He loved to watch her read or watch TV, not believing that they really were in a relationship and as far as he could tell, going strong.

With a soft smile on his face Reid left the apartment and headed to work.


Ava came in wearing jeans and one of Spencers white button-up shirts with a big belt to make it look more feminine. She looked stunning and it was clearly visible that it was a mans shirt, Morgan noticed that as well and snorted pissed.

Two hours later Spencer was approached by Hotch who was standing next to Ava in front of his desk.

"Reid, are you busy right now?" Hotch asked him and Spencer shook his head. "Good, Atlas needs a file from the archive, could you help her find it?"

"Uhmmm... what?"

"The old archive. A lot of reading" Hotch said and disappeared in the kitchen.

Two minutes later Spencer and Ava were in the elevator. "What file do you need?" He asked.

"A case from the seventies that my dad worked on. It might be related to my current case" Ava replied.

"Have you ever been to the old archives?"

"No? Why?"

Spencer laughed. "Boxes, boxes, and more boxes."

"Oh boy. Then we are going to spend... a lot of time down there, huh?" Ava smirked and bit her lip.

"Probably" Reid smiled as they had reached the basement.

They walked over to Thomas, who everyone just called 'Dusty', as dust was the other thing except files that was down here. "Hey Dusty, files from the seventies? Which direction?" Ava asked.

"Oh uhm that's a while to walk. I'll get you there" he said and they walked through a very long and very gray hallway and had already passed three rooms filled with boxes and files, as they reached another huge room. "This are the seventies" Dusty said and turned around leaving them alone.

The door loudly closed and Ava looked around. "He's joking, isn't he?"

"I fear he's not" Spencer said and was stunned how many files there actually were. "Do you know the date? A case number? A name?"

"July '71, casenumber 1971-07-2674."

"Okay, then... We'll start" he said but Ava pulled him in a deep kiss. "Ava, are you serious?" He mumbled as she pulled him through the room in the back, stopping in a corner, hidden behind shelves filled with boxes. Ava leaned against them, deepening the kiss. "Ava we... can't... Dusty" Spencer stuttered as he felt his arrousal but she just turned them around and pushed him against the shelf.

"Then you better keep you ears open" Ava smirked while opening his pants and a few seconds later she kneeled down sucking his dick. "Fuck" Spencer reached for her head and closed his eyes in pleasure, his heart racing, trying to not make a sound but Ava sucked so strong, a quiet moan escaped his mouth.

"Still here" - Spencer Reid - Book 2Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz