Back to work

117 9 0

TW: penetrative sex, oral sex (Spencer receiving)


July 13th - Monday

Spencer was back at work and had just entered the office as Morgan came over and patted his back. "Heeey heeeeey look whose back? Did you have a good vacation?"

"Uhm, yes" Reid smiled at him and placed his bag on the floor.

"Soooo? What did you do?"

"Not much."

"But your girlfriend was with you?"

"Yes" Spencer said and took a deep breath.

"I'm happy you found someone" Morgan said and walked off.

Reid sighed and sat down. He had talked briefly with Ava on the phone last night, she had sounded exhausted and he missed her more than he could ever put in words.

July 19th - sunday

Spencer was home and bored, it was already six pm. He missed Ava a lot and last night on the phone she had sounded devastated again. Suddenly his phone pinged.

Hey Smartie,
I'm heading back to
Quantico with a bad mood
and cramps. I stay in a hotel tonight. See you tomorrow.
Still here

He looked at the message and frowned. Why did she do that?

Baby, come home!

He texted back and impatiently waited for her to reply. Ten minutes later his phone pinged again.

I just wanna sleep
and I'm grumpy and
everything hurts

He rolled his eyes and texted back


One minute later Ava replied

Okay. But I warned you.

He impatiently waited for her to come and thirty minutes later his doorbell rang. Reid chased to the door and pressed the buzzer, waiting in the doorframe for her to walk up the stairs.

As she did he broke into a smile and made a few steps towards her to pull her in a tight embrace. "Hey Snoopy" he whispered in her hair and squeezed her.

"Hey" Ava replied, she looked tired and Spencer grabbed the bag from her hands, while they walked in.

He hugged her again and kissed her head. "I missed you so much. You need anything? A hot water bottle? Tea? Shower? Massage?"

Ava cuddled loser to his chest. "Hot water bottle sounds good."

They made their way to the kitchen and while Spencer turned the kettle on, Ava grabbed a water bottle from the fridge, before she growled again in pain.

"You need a painkiller?" Spencer asked.

"Yeah, no, I already took some" she said.

"Are you hungry?" He asked and noticed the dark circles under her eyes. She slowly nodded. "What do you wanna eat?"

"I don't care. Pizza?" She said and Spencer promised to order as soon as the kettle was ready.

Five minutes later they were cuddled up on the couch together, Ava half on Reid with the heating bottle on her lower abdomen. "Okay, I ordered Pizza" he said and placed a kiss on Avas temple who growled in pain once again and exhaled slowly. "You wanna watch ancient aliens?" He asked and Ava nodded.

"Still here" - Spencer Reid - Book 2Where stories live. Discover now