Sex and cases

151 8 0

TW: penetrative sex, mention of death, mention of scars


July 10th - Friday

Avas phone woke them up at 3.13am, Spencer turned on the light and rubbed his eyes, while she answered the call. "Atlas.... okay..... what?... okay.... where?... where is that?... okay.... alright... text me the flight number... I'm on my way." Ava hang up and looked at Spencer. "I gotta go, go back to sleep, Baby."

"Where are you going?" Spencer asked sleepy.

"An interrogation, close to New York, my flight departs  in an hour"

"I'll drive you to the airport" he got up and stretched.

"Nooo, Baby you don't have to. It's middle of the night" Ava protested.

"Exactly" Spencer kissed her forehead, before disappearing in the bathroom.


He woke up at nine instantly feeling the emptiness again. Reid checked his phone, but got no message from Ava, so he sighed and made coffee. Half an hour later his phone pinged.

Interrogation still going on.
Might come back
tomorrow :(

He texted back.

I'm still here,
waiting for you.

Spencer put the phone down and got dressed, before he grabbed the car keys and went grocery shopping.

As he had everything in the car and was driving home he passed a garden center and stopped. Spencer bought a huge monstera and three smaller plants for Ava, a few new pots and fertalizer.


Ava called at 5pm, her voice sounded rough and exhausted. "Hey, Baby."

"Hey Snoop, you okay? Are you done?"

"Yes, he broke down. Took ten hours before he confessed. I have never needed that long" Ava said.

"But you got him to talk. Are you coming home now?"

"Yes, I'm already at the airport. If everything works out well I'm gonna land at seven."

"I'll pick you up" Spencer said excited.

"You don't..."

"I'll pick you up!"

"Okay" she said and Spencer could hear her smiling before she hang up.

He went to the kitchen and prepared a lasagna, and build a tiny pillow fort, before he headed to the airport.


Twenty minutes later Reid saw her through the back mirror, slowly walking towards the car. As she sat down on the passengers seat, he smiled at her. "I missed you, Baby."

"Hey Smartie" she said, her voice rough from all the shouting.

He pulled her in a tight embrace before he let go of her. "I made Lasagna for you."

"I don't deserve you" Ava whispered and looked like she was about to fall asleep. Spencer grabbed her hand and placed kisses on it while she told him about the interrogation and how the suspect didn't confess.

"So how did you get him to talk?" He asked.

"I figured out that he only spoke russian" Ava laughed out loud. "Then it took just thirty minutes."

"Still here" - Spencer Reid - Book 2Where stories live. Discover now