Just don't stop

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TW: mention of scars, penetrative sex, fingering.

I know, I know, another smutty chapter, but they are young, in love and just moved in together.


July 7th - Tuesday

Spencer woke up to a screaming Ava moving heavily next to him and howling inaudible things. He turned on the light and gently shook her shoulder. "Hey Baby, I'm here, I'm still here" he whispered, while glancing at the clock, 3.03am. Ava growled and mumbled "I'm not scared of you", before she screamed again, shaking her head. "Baby, wake up, wake up" Spencer said a bit louder.

"I don't care what you do with me" she breathed and woke, sitting up, looking around with pure panic in her eyes before she saw Spencer who softly smiled and pulled her in a tight embrace. "I'm still here, Snoop" he whispered and placed a soft kiss on her hair while Ava cried. Spencer gently stroked her back and thought about the things she had said.

After a couple minutes Ava had calmed down and pulled away a bit. "I'm..."

"No, No, No. You don't have to apologize, Ava. Everything is fine." Spencer cut her short. "I'm still here and I'm never gonna leave you."

They layed back down, Spencers arms wrapped around her, holding her safe and tight while both slowly drifted back into sleep.


As Spencer woke up again at half past nine, Ava wasn't there. He stretched and listened into the apartment, couldn't hear her but saw a small note on the nightlight.

I'll be back soon,
still here, A.

Reid smiled and layed back down, cuddling deeper under the warm blanket, not ready to get up yet.


Ava sat in the conference room with Hotch and Rossi, waiting for Strauss and Ava told them again not to say a word about the man she had met. As the chief came they talked for two hours, Ava shouting and yelling at them while Hotch tried to calm her down. They agreed on finding her a partner and giving this case a little more priority before Ava left the office again, heading towards her car.

"Hey are you okay? I heard you got injured?" Morgan suddenly said behind her.

"Yeah, I'm fine, Morgan" Ava turned around.

"Really? You need help with anything?" He asked. "You... got my number in case you need me? For WHATEVER?"

"Yes, thank you" she politely smiled and jumped in her car, leaving Morgan in the garage.

While she drove to Spencer Ava thought about the meeting with the trinity, nothing came from it. NOTHING. She would be stuck like that forever, answering Johns calls every sunday morning at seven, never going to be free. Ava started crying and hammered on the steering wheel. "FUCK YOU JOHN" she shouted loudly while parking on the side of the road.

For twenty minutes she cried, torn apart inside between wanting the normalcy with Spencer as she was falling hard for him but still too scared that John might find out. What if he would get mad and do something?


It was almost two and Spencer was lying on the couch reading as he heard the doorbell. He jumped up and opened, waiting for Ava to walk up the stairs instantly breaking into a smile as he saw her. But as he looked at her face Reid sensed that something was wrong and pulled her in a tight embrace, kissing her head while closing the door. "Not so good news?"

"Still here" - Spencer Reid - Book 2Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt