"Yuki!" The girl smiled and greeted you back.

You finish greeting the others before taking a seat. There were 7 more minutes left of form, so why not spend it with your friends?

"Oh, Rio and Yuki, I need to tell you something really important. Can I tell you now?" The two nodded their heads as you led them outside the classroom.

"Okay so, you know how Karma was being touchy with me today?" You question, making sure they knew what you were talking about.

"Yeah, I witnessed the whole thing." Rio snickers as your cheeks flare up.

"The reason he was acting like that is because we are dating." You decided to be straightforward instead of dragging out what you wanted to say.

Yukiko's eyes widened in shock and happiness while Rio was complaining about how her one true love has been stolen away from her.

"I'm so happy for you! Who confessed first though?" Yukiko exclaims

"He did, but I kissed him first." You reply.

Rio was about to comment on that but Korosensei managed to interrupt her.

"Girls, please sit down in your respective seats, form is about to start." With that, you three followed the teacher into the class and sat in your seats.

"Baby~" Karma called from next to you, making you groan as you scoot away from him.

Form had already ended, but you didn't know since your Prince charming was bothering you the whole time.

"Karma, what's the answer to-" Korosensei was about to make the said boy answer a question as a consequence for not listening when the door violently slid open, making everyone turn their heads

"(name), collect your stuff, we are leaving." Irina stands at the door, wearing her usual clothes, but something felt off.

Despite you not wanting to go with her, you got up and walked out of the classroom, but not without saying bye to Karma and telling Rio and Yukiko that you were gonna tell them what to do about the situation.

Once you fully stepped out of the classroom, Irina shut the door and told you to follow her.

"Hey, where are we going?" No response.

"Mother?" Still no response. You decided to give up on asking her where you were going.

You felt the golden rays of the sun shine on your (skin/tone) skin.

Moving your hair out of your face, you sat in the passenger seat while Irina obviously sat in the driver's seat.

"The reason why I took you out of class is because we are going on a mother-daughter date." You responded to her random sentence with a sound that was mixed with confusion and shock.

"We'll do whatever you want as an apology, okay?" She turns to you, a small smile forming on her clear skin.

"But why? What's the point of this? We'll probably argue again anyways." You mumble, turning to face the window, watching people walk past the car [the car is parked on the main road in front of the skl].

Irina sighs, knowing that you would say something along those lines.

"Listen, you're probably tired of hearing me saying the same thing, but I meant it this time." This piqued your interest, causing you to turn around and face the woman once again.

"Lately, I haven't been the mother that I should've been. I've been rude and unthoughtful when it comes to how you feel, which is disappointing."

"I apologise for not being there and taking care of you when you need it, which meant that you had to live your life being the grownup instead of enjoying your childhood."

She continues, bringing slight tears to your eyes as you reminisced how hard your previous years were having to take care of yourself without any help. All the stress and hardships you faced all because she couldn't fill the one role she was given.

"You never said anything against my actions when I made them more frequent, so initially thought that you were okay with it. I'm so sorry that I didn't realise how bad it had affected you." Tears also filled her eyes that showed a large amount of guilt.

"I just didn't want to seem clingy. You did say that being an assassin was hard work and you did get stressed from time to time, so I didn't want to be more of a burden and stress you out further. . ." You trail off, your voice cracking at the end as your tears finally fall.

Irina looked at you with so much guilt, making you cry harder. Seeing your cry made her do the same as he tightly embraced you, whispering to you about how sorry she was.

A few minutes later, you had both run out of tissues and tears. But during those few minutes, you had managed to fix those tiny cracks in your bond. Sure, you two didn't have that full mother-daughter bond, but it was slowly coming together.

"Okay, so where do you wanna go?" Irina asks you as she drives into the mainstream traffic.

"Hmm, how about the mall? We haven't been there together in years!" An excited smile appears on your face.

Irina nodded her head, also excited about this date.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

You two had already been to around 5 shops and your arms were empty. Irina had to call some bodyguards that she owned to come and hold the bags that both of you had bought, full of expensive things, perks of being rich.

You were now in a famous boutique after telling Irina about your new relationship. She insisted on buying a dress for your first date with him.

"How about this one?" Irina questions as she faces you, holding up a lavender drawstring dress.

You shook your head, not feeling the outfit.

"It feels like it would suit a party more than a date, but add it to the basket anyways, since I could always wear it for another date." You walked over to a clothing rack, briefly pausing to scan the clothes hung on it.

You walked back to Irina after not finding any clothes that you'd like.

"What about this?" The woman held up clothes more your style, which you immediately accepted.

"I'll go try them on!" You skipped your way over to the changing rooms, Irina following behind.

You walked out of the room wearing the outfit, which Irina rated a 10 out of 10. But in the dressing room next to you, a woman came out wearing some very unfashionable clothes, which made you turn to look at Irina who was holding in her laugh. Seeing her expression made you laugh out loud by accident, so the woman gave you the side eye.

You walked back into the changing room to remove the clothes, but not without sending Karma a mirror picture, a sneak peek of what you were wearing.

He messaged you back saying how hot you looked and how he missed you. Rolling your eyes, you put the phone in your pocket and got changed.


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