~Finding you sick on the street~

Start from the beginning

- As he laid his eyes on you, Albert knew he needed to help you.

- When you and Albert reached the mansion, he immediately called out for Louis. Together they would take great care of you.

- He enjoys taking care of you. He don't spend so much time with you because of work, but if he has the opportunity, Albert definitely would.

- You two had a strong bound from the beginning. Everyone could easily tell that your meeting was fate.

- Over the time he will buy you small little presents, and would take you out for some dates.

- Over the time he will buy you small little presents, and would take you out for some dates

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- At first he didn't care about you at all. He thought you was just another poor person, who lives on the streets.

- But he begun to see you more often. Whenever he is walking through the streets, he will always notice you.

- On one day he gave up and decided to take care of you.

- He brings you with him to the mansion. As he stepped through the door he was welcomes by Louis. Louis had a questioning look on his face as he saw you. Moran explained everthing to him afterwards.

- Most of the time Louis took care of you, because Moran isn't very good in taking care of others.

- After a while, if you feel better, you will become more intimate with Moran. You and him will become great drinking buddies in bars.

- He noticed you, while he jumped from a roof to another

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- He noticed you, while he jumped from a roof to another. You were about to fall but he quickly react and catched you.

- Fred quickly realised that you are cold as ice and you're not looking that well. So he carries you to a warm place.

- If you're feeling very sick, Fred would asked you what you need and will bring it to you as fast as he can.

- He is very caring about you. He wanted to see you healthy again as soon as possible.

- Fred will be always by your side, so you wouldn't feel lonely. And so began the conversations.

- You helped him

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- You helped him. His hat flew away, you catched it and you gave it to him.

- He was grateful that you helped him. But he noticed how pale you looked and how red your nose and eyes were.

- James suggested to come with him, so he could take care of you. You of course, agreed with it, seeing no other way.

-  And as he promised, he took great care of you. He will cook you a warm soup, give you tea and put fluffy blankets on you.

- It didn't take long time for trusting each other. Most of the time, you and James talk about everything.

- John found you

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- John found you. He just couldn't walk past you, leaving you sick and cold. His doctor sense were activated.

- As John opend the flat door, you were greeted by a bored [dangerous] Sherlock. You didn't care much, you just wanted to sleep.

- John let you sleep on the couch, while reparing soup for you. Sherlock asked him why he bought you here. Johnny boy answered him his question, continuing making the soup.

- When your fit again, you stayed for a few more days. John wanted to make sure that you're completely fine. In this time you and Sherly had come near.

- He would often asked you on your opinion or would challenged you, because he was bored. But after some time he realised, that you are actually a great company.

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Have a great day/night
Bye bye<33

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