In The Elderflowers

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A few days earlier

It seemed like it had been such a long time since the fields were this healthy, maybe my hard work was paying off? Nah, it was probably just mother nature's way of signalling good luck to the new homemakers of the keep I'd been tending. Today was meant to be their arrival, or so Lady Allura had stated after the kingdom was considered officially 'safe'...couldn't say I stuck around for the whole dragon

The keep had been a somewhat long term project of mine after it was discovered almost a year ago - since then, due to my care and dedication...I was designated its caretaker. When there were residents, usually maids would rotate between day and night even if I'd asked to take both, I wasn't allowed to do those kind of hours. Lady Allura saw my devotion to this place and noted it was viewed like my own child but 'parenting' takes two

"Correct me if I'm wrong but You must be the housekeeper?" My body jumped out of its skin as a voice appeared behind me, a tall man with frosty hair swept up. The way he held himself screamed 'noble' but he hadn't spat my way just yet although I'd only given him two seconds. A small smile played upon his lips as his head titled for an answer...shit- I hadn't actually spoken! I'd just stood there blank as if he'd spoken in old runes, the question seemed so simple yet I didn't know what to say

"Oh yes, I deeply apologise for not being there to welcome you -  Dinner should be served soon" my hands clutched the elderflower in my grip before placing it in the basket with all the other ingredients, things like mushrooms and other herbs gathered from the wilderness. I didn't own any livestock yet so it was mainly veg based meals and meat brought back from the market...not exactly hero worthy "any dietary restrictions I should know about beforehand?"

Before he could answer - a few people called his name which happened to be 'Percy' and waved from the keep "Go on, you shouldn't keep them waiting with this much excitement in the air - it's a recipe for trouble" his hands wandered towards the basket on my arm "oh don't worry about that - I'll be there shortly, just gotta grab a few more herbs from this maze of growth" he only stood there for a few moments before departing my company

A deep sigh left my lips as the realisation of chaos hit me - it had been a long time since I'd had so much company or even lived with others, Gilmore would love to hear about such matters on my next trip to sell whatever I'd obtained. Our meeting may not have been so fond but what he'd given me couldn't be replaced - it almost made my deeds seem redeemable, there was no physical way for me to get back but his forgiveness was enough for me

As I swayed into the kitchen, the room fell silent except for the man on the floor groaning in pain as he held his crotch. Whatever foolery was happening, it stayed between them - and I'm not even sure their healer wanted to take part, it seemed like the kind of game to lead in permanent they'd regret later but laugh it off as they remembered how the incident came to be in a stupid game

My fingers braided the long herbs on the chopping board as they mingled not yet noticing my presence as things were thrown across the room at one another "I'm sorry for our outlandish behaviour m'lady - please let me know if I can be of any use...any at all" I couldn't help but smile at his desperation to do something that would contribute, but there wasn't much to be done

Quiet fell over the room as the company realised their precious noble had found someone new "I couldn't possibly-" his eyebrow raised at my useless denial "I suppose it wouldn't be an issue if Lady Allura never knew you doused the pot in oil and laid the table?" Not a moment passed before he was gone, busying himself with a slight look of relief in his eyes - I suppose life was more stressful than I realised for them

Someone cleared their throat at the table "the lady told us we'd receive help keeping the place running, it's rude to stare at those willing to care for us...Scalan" the sound of someone being slapped echoed throughout the room which I could only assume was the gnome at the table - I guess I should've assumed he was a bard by the lute in his hands along with the reputation that class held for...activities

I refused to hold judgement until at least a week here, for their presence had also gifted me with an invitation to the banquet of their honour - yet another 'thanks' for slaying the dragon. My mother would've told me I was worth more than this if she could see me now, but she'd abandoned her duty long before I was forced to leave mine...

But I wouldn't make that mistake twice...

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