Unchangeable Fate

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A few days later

"Do you have my regular?" It has been pure coincidence my presence being there when the group were, I was there to sell mostly whereas they were stocking up for battle...one they'd be venturing on alone - Gilmore's reach graced my windpipe with sorrow in his eyes as my hand unveiled the cloth wrap "I don't suppose you have anything for corruption?" The man's eyes temporarily scanned the room for anyone watching us before signalling me to follow him into the back of the shop past Rodrigo.

Every time we passed a glass vial or mirror, there was a reflection of his face - but it was always different when he turned back to check I was still there. One moment, Gilmore looked as if he was about to breakdown on the floor, and then it was bright joyful smiles "how'd it happen, 'love'?" A sigh escaped my lips as the facade dropped "you said after the incident, you'd stop playing with demons and that" my leg was never intentional - just a foolish girl signing up for tricks and boons she never understood

"The group told you a little of 'vampires' didn't they? Well their aid were wraiths. I was too busy trying to keep them within the kitchen and one got the upper hand" the room fell a little too quiet for my liking, neither of us knew what to say - to my kind, this sort of thing could be the death of me or something worse. Should I have been more worried? Probably but fate was fate, the group would receive my aid in the keep until my last breath if that's how this was going to go!

"This isn't a fix, but should buy us more time to find something" Gilmore handed me a box of needles full of pale yellow fluid with a slight shimmer as it rolled around "once a week, promise me you'll try it at least" He honestly believed I could stab something in my own neck?! Couldn't I just drink the stuff and be done with it? But it wouldn't reach my bloodstream that way, let alone make contact with the darkness...

The case closed under my arm with an assortment of other ointments and herbs "is it possible to keep this hush from the others - I'm their housekeeper, not their wife" at first, the shopkeeper went to argue my point but instead smiled sweetly knowing how much this conversation could mean if this stuff didn't work. If my dying wish was for the fact to remain a secret - who was he to deny it?

The moment was broken by the sound of his door opening and closing, the mutterings in the main shop quietened by the new presence "I have something real rare for ya, sir" I knew that voice anywhere - it haunted both my favourite dreams and worst nightmares wondering what I could've changed. It must've been almost a decade since we'd seen one another, she sounded exactly the same...as sweet as fresh blooms in spring and the gruel of an alcoholic

As Gilmore eyed the woman suspiciously unwrapping the strange object that took up most of the front counter in length, width wise - it was no more than two hand spans. I turned away already knowing what she'd brought as the maroon cloth was set aside, even now she was making money off me! But in this situation - that was her right, she had no less claim to the set than I...I just never thought she'd sell them off like this

When I finally decided to take the plunge and shuffle back around - a hand met my lips as they came into view. Another thing I'd know anywhere, all drained of colour and life, almost ashy to the touch...was it really too difficult for her to keep them? Did I mean something after all? Surely they were worthless now as it had been a few years! "How much can I get for these?" My teeth bit down harshly as tears threatened to spill, lips trembling more than a tree in high wing season

"Not much, they're mangled to high heaven and drained of all magical purposes" when I finally managed to break eye contact with the set of wings, Vax seemed to be staring me down through the crack. The door slid closed under the pressure of my hand, the way his eyes glinted in horror wasn't something I wanted to witness right now. Not again, she tormented my life while I was home but here...there was no way! Under my breath, were whispered words of encouragement to myself begging myself not to shatter

Out of nowhere, Scanlan wandered into the room scanning the shelves for what I assumed were musical instruments to wield his talents - truth be told, I'd forgotten about our little promise he'd made to me. We'd become close enough through our kitchen theories across the table, but this was the first time we'd really confided in one another...neither of us really knew what to do with the information revealed


"Sooo anyone special in your love life?" I raised my eyebrows at the gnome, was he asking me out? The only reason people asked that question was to become that person...or at least they were curious about who I liked. An exhale left my lips as my cheeks slumped in hand on the wooden surface thinking about it in depth - I'd tried that sort of thing with several races but the issue was always me, focusing on the wrong things

"I gave up on love a long time ago" at first, his expression suggested I was crazy for doing such a thing until my gaze turned away with my hands wrapping around my folded arms "there was someone...but I- can you promise me that you, little master of 'love', won't let me go back to her?" His expression soured, he didn't even know who 'her' was – was I really asking him to keep me away from all women for the rest of time?

"Of course- whatever you need" his hand rested on my shoulder with a confused smile, before I could speak again or even offer my gratitude - Grog and Vax busted in continuing their little competition of punching each other when they least expect it...but we shared a nod of confirmation that whatever was said, remained confidential between us. He may of got around quite a bit but that gnome could keep a secret!

Flashback end

For awhile, the gnome continued to wander through the shelves before he spotted my back turned "soo this is where you and Gilmore disappeared off to?" The haggling outside the door seemed to fade away when he spoke, maybe it was the bard coming through? His little feet scattering slowly in my direction couldn't even break my staring contest with the doorframe "Ana? What's wrong with you?" Scanlan appeared in my peripheral vision not quite sure what to do with the situation

"Her- It's 'her'" suddenly everything clicked in his head, eyes flickering from the doorway to the staircase I stood by - he'd never imagined he'd be in this situation. Since being a traveller, many of his exes remained in other towns far from his presence...mine was supposed to stay a realm away yet there she haggled back and forth just metres away "I- I don't know what to do" all memory of how to move or breath escaped me, just stuck there clutching the case Gilmore gave me

The small man blocked the door with his body stopping me from going back of her like we'd promised "Well...here, give me that - you go out the back entrance and I'll stay paying for that. What even is it?" He took the case into his arms despite the fact it was the same size as his entire body "I'll tell the others you got sick or something" I forced my body to crouch down and bring him into my arms closer than I had with anyone else...he barely knew me yet he was willing to go such lengths to keep a promise?

Once again there was that nod, then Scanlan signalled to go before anyone came back here. The last thing I saw was the big purple hand plucking a few more things off the shelves, then he listened at the door very carefully; I suppose he wasn't very trusting of the newcomer after what I just did. The tense atmosphere had shifted to one of laughter through the window - her repeating talent was always winning people over

Perhaps I should've been angry? Or at least frustrated? Scanlan deserved that much at least, to have any emotional reaction except rattling fear- I didn't even hate her! I never had despite being told many times how much she earned it, I couldn't never bring myself to do so. It was foolish that my body felt this was after so long, pure genuine chills down my spine and deep within my chest...she was frostbite to my flesh

The second I got back, my hands dug through the blanket chest to find one I'd woven long ago - a similar shape to what was sold on the desk, two thicker segments connecting with the corroded indents between my shoulder blades which itched to have contact with what once was lost...back under the oak tree with a warm cup of cider in my clutches, that was where I felt safest yet there was no way to return...

Maybe that's what stung the most...

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