Secondo Sayonee : Lost In Transition Dalawampu't Pito

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『••✎••』Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author of this story. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any previously copyrighted material. No copyright infringement is intended.

Shiloh Nelin Alexander's P.O.V.

"Im mad at you" i said as i pace back and fort on the side of my bed while he sit on the bed being all pretty and cute.

As if he did not just run away from me after telling me he's pregnant with our baby!

"No you're not" he said in a matter of factly tone which i agree.

Im not mad.

Its all the jitters and the fact that all they he was not with me.

"Come here shy" he utter with amusement in his voice trying to lure me in.

I shake my head trying so hard not to look at him, Cause one look im pretty sure ill cave in.

"Nope. Nope im still mad" i denied his invitation.

Im strong, i will not cave in.

"Daddy come here" i froze as i hear those words left his pretty lips.

I slowly look at him wide eyes, he did not just..

Our eyes met and he was biting his lips trying not to laugh.

"You are gonna be the death of me" i pounce on him, being careful not to hurt him or anywhere near his stomach.

Nope im not taking any chances.

He yelp before laughing as i basically bite in his neck "stop shy! That tickles!"

I let go of his neck before licking it to soothe it down "hmm" i humm as i look at the mark i made on his skin before looking at him.

My left forearm on the bed to hold myself up along with my knees, one between his legs and one on the other side, caging him beneath me.

He was smiling, glowing and it just took my breath away, he looks so beautiful.

"Why? Why didn't you tell me as soon as you knew?" I ask, i cup the side of his face with my free hand, satisfaction purring inside me as he nuzzle his face on my palm. One of his hand lifting up before laying it on to of mine na nasa mukha nya.

He bat his pretty eyes at me, god he knows how to play me, he knows he's my weakness and i dont even care.

"Cause mister, its the month of my bestfriend and your brother's wedding, all attention should be on them not us..or on the baby right?" He have a point but still he could have told me.

"When? How?" He make a face at me.

Okay wrong question...well tamang tanong wrong wording.

"I mean i know how but you usually take...pills? Right?" I ask reluctantly, Im not sure actually, i never saw him actually take one but i did ask about it briefly, one normal afternoon but i vaguely remember him showing it to me.

He lick his lips looking nervous, his other hand that was on my shoulder now drawing on my clothes using his thumb.

"When you left...uhm that time with spring's mother, i actually stopped taking any. You left and i don't really sleep around with anybody aside from you and i wasn't planning to you know do that and have my heart broken again so yeah i stopped, didn't know you'll be coming back and when you did it just didn't caught up to me until i start feeling i checked and you know the rest"

Sayonee Series :  Lost In Transition ( Secondo : Shiloh & Hiraya )Where stories live. Discover now