Secondo Sayonee : Lost In Transition Labing Dalawa

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『••✎••』Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author of this story. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any previously copyrighted material. No copyright infringement is intended.

Shiloh Nelin Alexander's P.O.V.

"Daddy you look funny" spring pointed out while giggling.

after mine and hiraya's make out session i can say that i calm down immensely already but it doesnt mean im no longer annoyed.

My daughter knows me well.

And hiraya should too but there he is being chummy with that co-teacher of his.

Is he pretending that he doesn't know that he's being hit on or does he fucking enjoy the attention cause i can give him more than attention if he wants.

I smile at my daughter and wink "but daddy's still handsome right?"

"Yes! Even my classmates said that you look like artista daw po, pero dont tell anyone i told you daddy secret daw po yun" she whisper the parts after her yes as if it was a secret making me laugh a little.

I ruffle her hair fondly.

"Its our secret now then" i told her with another wink and that make her giggle while nodding her head in approval.

The day was a blur for the kids, all tehy do was jump around, point at things, run around and pull hiraya all over the place who only smile and complied without any complain and its not like he looks like he wanna complain, he looks like enjoying taking photos of the kids and entertaining their question.

I try my best to atleast take some kids off of him despite him obviously avoiding me the whole time.

The day ended with the kids all, ready to drop looking sleepy and tired.

Spring fell asleep while i carry her out of the zoo. I gently lay her down on the backseat.

I raise an eyebrow at hiraya when i see him just standing by the car and not getting in.

"I think its better if join the kids at the bus, thank. Really for taking me here and helping out with the kids" he smile a little, his stance already ready to leave.

My eyebrow furrowed at his words.

I was on my best behavior like he wanted me to and this is what i'll get?

I shake my head firmly, i open the door of the passenger seat.

"Get in" madiin kong sambit.

Kumunot ang noo niya habang nakatingin sakin, what? He thinks ill just let him off that easily?

"Shiloh, im not --" "now hiraya. You wont like what im gonna do if you dont teacher hira" i cutted him off, my words firm as i smile at him mordaciously.

He press his lips in a tight line. Looking at me unamuse.

He can be mad all he want but im taking him home...well in my home not at his.

Padabog siyang pumasok sa kotse ko, i close the door but not before grinning at him triumphantly.

The sight of hiraya's face contorted in pleasure as he struggled to hold himself together as i drive my cock deep inside him for the third time, and the sounds of his moans paired with the wet squelching sounds of the lube mixed with my cum inside hiraya almost had me cumming prematurely.

Sayonee Series :  Lost In Transition ( Secondo : Shiloh & Hiraya )Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon