"That's not a bad idea," Amir commented, climbing out of the pool. He grabbed a large piece of cantaloupe from the table, "A lot of guys go one and done, but end up ridin' the bench just to say they on a NBA team." He said, sitting on a lounger, "Don't get me wrong, yeah you get paid, but the way you goin', the media hype can build around you, you can negotiate bigger contracts, and you not as big a risk to a team."

Austin smirked at Amir's approval, "Mom and Dad sat down with Kirk the other day and hashed out all the details. He doesn't have any college athletes on his roster, so I'm his first. His most important thing is making sure we do everything by the book. We don't need to give them people any reason to think we did anything unethically. You know how they are."

Amir kissed his teeth between bites, "You know I know. I came in with Kirk. They wasn't tryna let us do nothin' the easy way. They wasn't tryna have another Rich Paul and Bron."

Sabrina smiled, "I'm proud of you for making such a mature decision, and when you get drafted next year, I better get the first number ten, Austin Lewis jersey."

"You know you will Bina Bina." He ruffled his sister's hair before sitting down next to Niko, "So, how was Disneyland?"

"It was awesome!" Niko yelled. "I saw Mickey Mouse and took lots of pictures. Ahme got me ears and they get to have fireworks every day, Uncle Tin."

"Sounds like you had a good time, nephew,"

Sabrina frowned a bit, "It was fun. On the last day, me and Amir went to all the food places we'd missed. I'm sure I gained 5 pounds." Sabrina laughed through her pain as she got up and fixed Niko a taco. Austin watched her, noticing her change in mood.

"Niko had to go back to his deddy that day, so we hung out the last day. Tried some of the restaurants at California Adventure." Amir told Austin, without saying too much, finishing off his piece of fruit and grabbing another.

When they were at Disneyland Thursday, during the fireworks show, Nick texted her and said wanted Niko back Friday morning. Sabrina's feelings were hurt because they'd never had an issue with taking or giving extra days to the other before. Instead of making an issue, she dropped Niko off first thing in the morning then her and Amir spent the day together at the theme park.

"Amir bought us annual passes on our last day. He loved it." Sabrina said.

"I always wanted to go," Amir added, cheesing. "It was my first trip but it won't be the last. We're going to Disney World in my off-season, too." He announced proudly.

Later, after dinner, Sabrina, her two siblings, and her son were sprawled out on the large recliners in Amir's media room, sleeping. Riley was dropped off right before Amir had left them to go to shoot around practice.

Sabrina and Niko were in the first chair. Riley was in the seat next to her, and Austin was in one of the seats in front of them closest to the screen. Amir smiled in pride seeing them so comfortable when he came home. He left out and returned with an armful of throw blankets and covered them up one after the other.

He couldn't help but get lost staring at his woman. He loved him some Sabrina. The way she slept so peacefully with a protective arm wrapped around Niko pulled at his heartstrings. He couldn't wait to make her his wife.

He'd already been ring shopping and was torn between two that he loved that reminded him of her so he purchased them both. They were neatly tucked away in his closet safe for the perfect time.

The next morning, Sabrina woke first, gently moving Niko over in the seat so she could get up. She went upstairs to Amir's bedroom and found him sleeping next to his laptop. He'd fallen asleep watching
team film. She giggled at the sight before disappearing into the bathroom.

She brushed her teeth while the shower heated to her liking then got inside and let the hot water massage her limbs.

She heard the sink turn on and turned around seeing Amir shirtless, brushing his teeth.

He finished and joined her inside the shower. "Mornin, beautiful," he said as he massaged her shoulders and arms while the water rained down on top of them from the waterfall shower system.

"We were knocked out last night." She laughed.

"Yeah, y'all was. I came back from practice and y'all were done."

"Those recliners are too comfortable."

He slipped his arms around her midsection, "You feelin' better?" He asked, remembering how bad she was cramping the day before.

"Yeah." She nodded, embarrassingly.

He smirked as he stepped over and grabbed her shower gloves off the hook on the wall. She thought he was about to hand them to her until he put them on his large hands and then poured some of her foaming shower gel on them. She silently watched as he walked over and started washing her skin.

She smiled, as he washed her body delicately, but efficiently. "That was... different." She said, rinsing herself off.

Amir smiled, "Different bad?" He asked as he started washing himself off.

"No, good. Really good."

He smirked, leaning close. He pecked her lips and then said, "Good."

After dropping Riley and Niko off at their schools, Sabrina went into the office for a few hours while Amir went to the training facility for some treatment. He had a few more days off until playoffs and he wanted to make sure to take full advantage of the break. Preparing his body for playoffs and spending time with his woman were the only things he'd be doing.

Sabrina had been staying at Amir's house since the weekend and was slowly getting more and more comfortable. Besides having her own soaps, body washes, and lotions in his bathroom along with a toothbrush, that empty side of his walk-in closet had more than a few of Sabrina's clothes and shoes there now.

Amir was more than okay with that.

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