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David stood in the entertainment room talking with Amir and Austin. The smile on Sabrina's face as she watched them never faltered. Seeing her man, her father and her brother getting along so well made her happy.

"Earth to Sabrina." Her mother singsonged in her ear. "I know that look."

She turned to face her mother, "I don't know what you mean." She grinned, grabbing food to take out to the back patio table.

"He's handsome. Very well mannered. You guys look beautiful together." Adrianne smiled, gently holding her daughter's hand. She didn't need to tell Sabrina she approved, it was written all over her face. "You seem happy. I love that for you, baby."

"I am happy mom."

Riley came out with the last of the food and put it in place before walking over and standing next to the older women, placing a hand on each of their shoulders. "I like him, Sab." She announced.

"My goodness. Y'all betta get off my man." Sabrina joked.

Austin stepped outside, "Mama, you need anything from downstairs? I'm gonna grab ice from the cellar."

"No just the ice is fine, thank you." She told her only son, before going back inside the house to get her husband and their guest,"Dinner is ready, everyone go wash up, and be outside in 5."

Once they gathered around the table, David spoke, "Austin, will you say grace?"

"Dad, I said it last time. It's Sabrina's turn..." He complained, but then stopped, "actually, Amir. How about you do it." He slyly threw Amir under the bus.

"I'll do it Dad." Sabrina stepped in.

Amir chuckled, looking down his shoulder to Sabrina who stood next to him, "I don't mind." He told her with a small squeeze to her hand. "I'd love to say grace, Mr Lewis."

David smiled at the young man. He was liking his daughters choice more and more.

Everyone closed their eyes and Amir began, "Dear Hevenly Father, I thank you for gathering us here on this beautiful evening. Thank you for these gracious people who have invited me into their home tonight to enjoy this meal that has been wonderfully prepared. God, I pray you keep everyone safe on their individual journeys as we depart from dinner and that we keep you in our hearts and in our minds. In Jesus' name,"

And they all said, "Amen."

"Aman Aman." Sabrina's father said. "Let's go ahead and eat."

Just as they started plating their food, the doorbell rang. Sabrina stood from the table to go get it, "Be right back," she excused herself. She opened the front door and Niko ran inside wrapping his arms around his mother's waist. "Hey baby. You missed me?" She said hugging him back.

"Yes." He said as his mother picked him up.

"Thank you," she told Nick, as he stood there admiring them.

"It's no problem." He smiled. Pulling the backpack off his shoulder. "You want me to put this in your truck?"

"That's okay. He's gonna stay the night with my mom." She informed him.

"Oh aight. You guys havin' dinner?" He asked, stepping inside.

"Yeah, I...have company." She admitted awkwardly.

"Oh." He paused. "I won't hold you, I just wanted to tell you, Niko gon start flag football in a few weeks. I'm coaching the team and I wanted to make sure you had all the information."

"Aww, papa. You're gonna play football?" Sabrina asked, excitedly.

Niko nodded his head, smiling widely. "Just like daddy."

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