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Tuesday, April 7

Amir ❤️🤞🏽 Would like FaceTime...

Sabrina's phone rang as she washed her face. She swiped to accept the FaceTime call. "Hello."

"What you doin, baby?" Amir asked over the call. "What you got me lookin at? The ceiling?" He laughed.

"I'm washing my face," she leaned over the camera briefly. "And you not gon catch me slippin like this."

"Baby, I take pictures of you like this cause you're beautiful no matter what. Your snores, slobber, eye boogers and all."

She laughed as she rinsed the soap from her face then applied her moisturizer, "You get on my nerves."

"You love it though." He smiled. "Can I slide on my baby before I have to catch this flight in the morning?"

She looked at the time. It was already 9. "What time do you leave?"

"6 am. Sharp." He replied.

"Dang. You're not gonna get here until like 11." She pouted realizing she wouldn't have much time with him.

"I'm not far from you. I gotta grab something from the store then I'll be there." He smiled.

She brightened up, "Okay, I made lasagna. It's still some leftover."

"I can't wait to taste it."

"Shit, shit, shit." Sabrina moaned, trying to keep quiet. "I can't..."

Amir lifted his head from between her legs. "You can't what?" He seductively taunted her, lifting his body higher to kiss her in the mouth, sharing her juices with her.

"Mmmm" she let out as he rubbed himself against her dripping middle.

"Shhh." He hushed her as he raised up and grabbed a condom from the box on the nightstand. He rolled it on, and slid right inside, as she received him. Never in his life had Amir had so much sex, but something about his woman that made him want to make love to her constantly.

Once they were finished, they took a shower together and cuddled in bed watching tv until they went to sleep.

When Amir's alarm went off, in the morning, he didn't want to get up but he knew he had to. He was flying out to Utah for the third game of the series.

"You wanna take me to the airport and keep my car while I'm gone?"

Sabrina livened up, even though it was 4:30 in the morning, "Really?"

"Yes really, woman. Don't run nobody over." He teased.

Once they were downstairs, Amir held a sleeping bundled up Niko in his arms as Sabrina took the car seat out of her BMW and placed it in the backseat of her boyfriend's Bentley.

His SUV roared through the quiet city streets before making it to the freeway, letting the Bentayga show them what it's v8 engine could do.

After dropping Amir off at the airport, Sabrina and Niko went to a small diner for an early breakfast.

"When does Ahme come home?" Niko asked.

"He'll be back this weekend. But while he's gone we're gonna drive in his car. How does that sound?"

"I like Ahme's car. The seats are my favorite color, red."

Sabrina smiled, "I like it too."

Later that day, Sabrina pulled up to Niko's school in her usual pick up and drop off spot. As she parked, she recognized Nick's Rams Blue Charger was already parked. She climbed out Amir's truck and walked over to Nick's driver side window.

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