All Star

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Monday, February 10.

"Let me take you wit me outta town this weekend," Amir said over FaceTime as he finished brushing his teeth. His phone was mounted to the mirror again, as he was doing his nighttime routine.

"Outta town?" Sabrina repeated, peeking up from her book. "Where?"

"Chicago." He said, after spitting out his mouthwash.

She set the book next to her on the bed and looked up at her MacBook's screen to see his face, smiling at her. "Chicago?"

"You a parrot?" He teased.

She rolled her eyes, "It's cold in Chicago, especially this time a year," she responded.

"I'll keep you warm." He raised an eyebrow, mischievously. "It's All-Star weekend and I want you to go wit me. Show you round my hometown."

Her eyebrows pulled together as she took off her reading glasses, "You're inviting me to go home with you?"

"Why wouldn't I? You my baby." He smirked.

"Boy, you think you slick," she laughed.

"Do I?" He grinned walking out of the bathroom into his bedroom. He climbed into his bed and found a comfortable spot before continuing, "Don't act like you not." He licked and bit his lip after his statement.

"I am a woman, little boy." She joked.

"Ain't nun little bout me, woman."

She rolled her eyes, playfully before responding, "I'll come."

"Yeah, you will." He bit his bottom lip.

"Knock it off, ya nasty." She giggled. "When do we leave?"

"I'll take care of everything. Is it cool if we leave Thursday, or would Friday be better for you?" He asked.

"Niko goes with his dad on Thursday this week so Thursday's fine. We've been starting his weekend every other Thursday since off-season."

"We'll come home Monday, if that's okay."

"That's fine with me." She nodded in agreement.

He laid down fully in the bed and propped his phone against the pillow next to him. He watched as Sabrina moved her MacBook over so she could lay next to it. There they talked until they fell asleep on FaceTime.

Sabrina spent the next day trying to get ahead of as much of her work as she could so she'd be able to get ready for the weekend.

By Wednesday morning, she was up earlier than usual. After taking Niko off to school, she went to the office to do some coaching for her team before giving them their assignments. As she was about to leave her office she got a call from the front desk that there was a delivery for her.

"Can you bring it to me?" She asked her receptionist, Kora, assuming Amir had sent more flowers like he'd done at least three times already.

"Umm, I think you should come see this one for yourself." The woman said, excitedly.

As Sabrina walked out, she was met with a teddy bear made of red roses that was half her size. She gasped, "This is for me?" She asked with a smile.

"Sabrina Lewis?" The delivery man asked.


He handed her an envelope and walked away before she could even thank him. She opened the envelope and pulled out a card. When she opened the card it began to play music.

"Happy Valentine's Day,
everyday's the fourteenth."

Happy Valentine's Day by OutKast played as she read the question on the card.

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