12 - No One Will Ever Come Between Us

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This chapter is dedicated to TheWeirdSamar who just joined our midst of dedicated readers this week. Thank you very much for your support XD.

No One Will Ever Come Between Us

A few months later, my relationship with Rena is still going strong. I can't remember ever being happier and my heartbeat accelerates every time I picture her pretty face. We spend a lot of time together, even during school nights, and I enjoy her company. In many ways, we are a modern version of Romeo and Juliette.

There was a minor hiccup during a birthday party and I had to put her in her place when this guy made an obvious pass at her. She almost took a beating but I realized in the last second that she really had no clue what was going on. In the end, it was really her friend Caroline's fault for even inviting him - I am sure she tried to break us up. I hate that bitch.

Rena was really scared so I apologized for freaking out like that. Of course, she forgave me straight away but we made a game out of it, stretching out those make-up kisses. The whole experience brought us closer together but her innocence sometimes still baffles me. None of her actions are ever meant to upset me and I need to remember that when I get mad.

Even in bed, we have been having a lot of fun though we always stop before going all the way. She is only fifteen and I don't want to rush her even if it is slowly driving me and little Brent nuts. Her body is just flawless and so receptive to my touch - I can tell how much she enjoys being spoiled by me. The finish line is close, there is no doubt, it won't be long now until she will be completely mine.

For Thanksgiving, I take her home to Virginia. At first I was afraid that her crazy old man was going to object but he has to work and was glad to get rid of her. To ease his conscious, he insisted on speaking to my parents for introductions and my dad eased the last bit of his apprehension by assuring that we will have separate bedrooms.

After the call, my dad and I laughed our heads off since Frank seriously claimed to be a police officer to help people. For my dad, it has always the skill to outsmart a criminal that attracted him to law enforcement and he called Frank an idealist fool.

I guess that's the difference between choosing a career as a uniformed officer versus one as a FBI agent. Not only makes my dad a boat load more money than Frank, but he also needs to use his brain to make an arrest. Frank is just a foot soldier in the streets of Chicago, dealing with low lives and hooligans, and smartness is not a required job prerequisite.

When we arrive in Alexandria, my father picks us up from the airport. I am nervous beyond belief - having lied to him about my grades and school work - and he interrogates me on the way home but I succeed in holding back. He doesn't need to know that I am failing half my courses.

Sometimes, I worry that I am not cut out to become a psychologist. Showing compassion for people has never been my strong suit and coupled with the drama that goes hand in hand with the mental health profession, it might not be the right choice for me. For now, I will stick with it - I can always change my major later.

My mom is in tears when she sees us, hugging me and Rena for ages. Nothing has changed in the house since I left - and I mean truly nothing. We are not even an hour in the door when my parents have a fight, luckily my father has to go to work and things don't escalate beyond a small bruise. I don't want Rena to witness my folks' problems and had secretly hoped that my father would be on his best behavior during the visit.

The afternoon and evening fly by in a hurry and we are having a lot of fun. Rena and my mom really hit it off and I realize that personality wise, they have a lot in common.

Brent's Story (A "Living With The Choices We Make" Novella) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now