chapter 1

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star's pov

I wake up to my lil sister jumping on me telling me to wake up I pushed her off me bc I was still sleepy but today was the day I get a job as an personal assistant. i wasn't that happy but my family is I got up and got dressed I put a dress that covered my tattoos slowly put in my nose piercing and put my
heels on.

I walked downstairs to my mom giving me hug " aww my baby is getting so big" she gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"mom I have to go let go" she let go of me and i left the house walking to my car i got in the car fuck i think.I left my chart in the house oh fuck it I have weed in the car with that i turned on the radio and put the music on blasted rolling up the windows so i could hot box the car while on the way to work about one hour later.

I got to the building and parked the car getting out the car I looked around at the building wish me luck and walked in the building people were looking at me wired i didn't care i walked to the elevator getting in I pressed the button to the 30th floor the elevator doors closed and slowly went up. I walked out the elevator making sure my nobody could notice I was high not looking at what I'm doing are walking I bump into someone

"oh shit I'm so sorry"i said picking up the papers that dropped out her hand I looked up at who I walked into she looked to be 6'1 tattoos going down her arm she was wearing a black suit with the sleeves have way rolled up. I slowly got up so I could get a good look a her body when I came close to her face her eyes drew me in "no problem at all but my paperwork" I snapped out of day dreaming and gave her the paper back .

and she was looking at me with her eyes but are eye met with each other we were looking at each other " umm I should really get to work " she nodded with that I left and walked into my new office I sat down at my desk and pulled out stuff I had to do I looked at my bosses to do list "hmm" I said to myself looking the door opened and I looked up it was her again she sat down at her desk not taking her eyes off me. I looked back so and pulled out my phone

She watched me glued to my phone texting my friend about my next tattoo That I didn't even know she was standing in front of me she lowered my phone from my hands "well something looks interesting on your phone what is it she looked at me".

who the fuck does she think she is touching my phone I looked her up and down she was really fucking hot " oh nothing " I said putting down my she looked at me and smiled she walked over to her desk grabbing some papers off the desk she walked back over to me and gave them to me

"Be a doll and get those done for me " I would have to be the most dumbest person ever if she thought I was about to do this for her she has good working figures "do It yourself nothing is wrong with your hands " she just looked at me and tilted her head and smiled at me

I just looked at her and looked back down at my phone I wanted a tattoo That had a heart with a knife going through it bleeding " why would I do them if I have u "  she said smiling i just wish I could smack the smile from her face

I didn't answer her but just looked at her I rolled my eyes at her looking at the papers I gave her back the papers that were already done and I kept the ones that weren't done yet she took the papers and walked off to her desk I put my head phone in playing music to get some of this work done about five hours later.

When it was finally time to go home I put all the papers on her desk and left the office i walked to the elevator and went to the first floor when the elevator came to a stop I got out and walked out the building I went to my car unlocking the car door I got in the car and drove home

When I was finally home I took a shower and went to sleep

Heyy this book is being edited ima still working on it.byee 😙😝😝

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