Chapter 46 - 4th Layer, the Goblet of Giants

Start from the beginning


Medea gave a silent prayer for all those who will be affected by her actions and kept walking down.

After another half an hour of walking, they saw giant towering mushrooms growing out of the land.

"4th layer, the Goblet of Giants. It is a strange, humid jungle of strong vines weaving to form giant concave discs that capture water from the air, which is what gave the 4th layer it's name. The high concentrations of warm water in this region causes high humidity and sometimes fog. Additionally, the light from the forcefield refracts from the water, giving the scenery a blue hue. Ascending here causes intense pain throughout the body and bleeding from every orifice."

"A very impressive sight to see. I can also feel the force's strength increase exponentially."

Misaka jumped 20 meters into the air and landed back down, "nope, still doesn't affect me. Guess this method does work then."

"Good for you, now let's go."

They soon found themselves unsatisfied at the amount of walking through water they had to do.

"Can't you just fly us?"

"No. Teenagers these days, tut tut. You can't just rely on others to do things you can do yourself. To train your body you must first train your mind. This much is simply nothing." For some reason Medea became a full-on adult and parent.

"You sound like my mother."

"Do I? Then you're mother must be a very great person."

"..." She didn't know how to comeback from that, so she just shut up.

Not for long though, as tens of spikes suddenly stabbed out of her body. Blood then leaked out, but it soon dispersed into nothingness.

Well, if one zoomed in, they could see the blood becoming electrons and flowing back into Misaka's body.

The person in question turned around and met a strange looking bear-like creature, with a head full of holes, and tens of spikes extending outwards into Misaka.

"Tut tut. Teenagers these days... not even aware of their surroundings. Have you heard of the rule look left then right, then behind then in front, then below then above, then take one step and repeat?"

"What you waffling about? You knew this orb-piercer was here?"

Completely contrasting her appearance, her voice was calm and even a bit sarcastic. Blood flowed out of her mouth relentlessly but no sign of pain or discomfort showed.


I'm gonna enjoy watching this...

Stepping aside, it was now only Misaka and the orb piercer.

The creature pulled back the spikes seeing it had penetrated through it's target, but what it didn't expect was for the prey to start regenerating.

It watched helplessly as the blood that was meant to be diffusing in the water, started to disperse and converge back in her body, and her wounds began to close up.

The poison that it secreted also dropped out of her body, like there was nothing supporting it in the first place.

Sensing something, the creature suddenly dashed left, and where it used to be now had a smoking gaping hole. The gap was then filled by the water, and the vapour that was evaporated dispersed in the air.

"You dodged that? Nice!" Not giving up, she dashed forwards once again.

Even though a barrage of spikes pierced through her body, she didn't falter and carried on running towards it.

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