Chapter 35 - Rewards

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Chapter 35 – Rewards


(A/N Just a word of warning, I am sht at coming up with rewards, and I'm not going to elaborate on what each and every one does, so just read them and forget about them afterwards. They won't severely influence the plot anyway

And also, the hidden objectives are more like achievements rather than something extra. I forgot to mention it before, so here it is)

Well Done to Ainz, Witch of Betrayal, Nightmare, 77th Director!

Mission World Name: [My Hero Academia]

Main Objective Completion Grade: A+

Hidden Objective Grade: S

Main Objective Rewards: [5000 Points (Rare) ] x 1, [Automatic Upgrade To Current 'Pack' (Epic) ] x 1, [Epic+ Purchase Token (Legendary) ] x 2, [Life Saving Token (Legendary) ] x 2, [Chat Experience + 2500 (Common) ]

Current Experience Bar: 2850 / 15000

Hidden Objective Rewards Will Be Distributed Separately


Individual Ainz:

Hidden Objective Grade: C

Hidden Objectives Achieved:

-Kill All for One

Participation Grade: A

Extra Rewards: [2500 Points (Rare) ] x 1, [World Invite Token (3) (Legendary) ] x 1, [50% Clone (Legendary) ] x 2

Thank You For Your Efforts!


Individual Witch of Betrayal:

Hidden Objective Grade: A+

Hidden Objectives Achieved :

-Kill All Might

-Talk to All Might about his ideals

-Let All Might die with no regrets

-Let All Might die as All Might

Participation Grade: C

Extra Rewards: [5000 Points (Rare) ] x 1, [Strengthened Mind (Rare) ] x 1, [Iron Heart (Rare) ] x 1, [One for All (Epic+) ] x 1, [Firm Resolve (Epic+) ]

Thank You For Your Efforts!


Individual Nightmare:

Hidden Objectives Grade: B+

Hidden Objectives Achieved:

-Kill Izuku Midoriya

-Fake your own death

-Become a student

Participation Grade: B+

Extra Rewards: [3000 Points (Rare) ] x 1, [Soul Gaze (Epic+)] x 1, [75% Clone (Legendary+) ] x 1

Thank You For Your Efforts!


Individual 77th Director:

Hidden Objectives Grade: S+

Hidden Objectives Achieved:

-Kill Shigaraki Tomura

-Kill Dabi, Twice and Toga

-Let them pass on without regrets

-Help All Might pass on without regrets

-Become a hero and save at least 100 people

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