The Backlund Roberts Asylum: A Novelette

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Chapter 1: The Invitation

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Chapter 1: The Invitation

Derek Bradderick and Tricia Parks received an invitation to explore the Backlund Roberts Asylum. The place was one of the most notorious and terrifying haunted locations in the world, known for its history of violent hauntings. Despite the danger, Derek and Tricia accepted the invitation without hesitation. They were both seasoned paranormal investigators and relished the opportunity to explore the abandoned mental asylum.
"You ready for this?" Tricia said excited.
Derek nodded slowly, though deep down he felt he had a bad feeling about the whole thing.
"You remembered to bring everything?" Tricia asked him.
"Yep, made several checks before we left," Derek told her.
Tricia grinned with excitement.
"Great, let's get to it then!"

 "Great, let's get to it then!"

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Chapter 2: The Arrival

As Derek and Tricia arrived at the asylum, they were immediately struck by its imposing presence. The building was massive and appeared to loom over them menacingly. The windows were boarded up, and the doors were locked. They had to use bolt cutters to gain access.
They drove their van down the small driveway to the asylum. It looked even more eerie set against the backdrop of a sky that was already starting to darken with clouds.
Derek felt his heart jump a best as he staref at the old building. He saw the first drops of rain form on the windshield as he parked the van near the entrance.
"You sure you want to do this?" Derek asked Tricia.
"Absolutely," said Tricia, barely able to contain her excitement. "If we can capture any paranormal activity in there, do you know what it will do to our YouTube channel ratings. Especially if we see the Shapeless Mass, am apparition that defies all scientific belief!"
"But people have been known to go missing here," pointed out Derek as he turned the engine off.
"Yeah, but I don't care. I want that footage," insisted Tricia.

 I want that footage," insisted Tricia

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