Crying my Heart Out

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It had been a long day, longer than Katsuki would've liked it to be. Tests and training and after school internships... Yeah, being in the hero course was great, but sometimes it was a little too much, a little too exciting, or, well, fucking exhausting. He loved it, though, and now, hearing everyone complaining about homework as they made their way back to the dorms, he felt great knowing he'd done all of it ahead of time.

"Can't you help us? Please Kacchan~?" Kaminari whined, clinging to his arm as if any of that would convince Katsuki to actually be nice for a change.

"Do it yourself, dumbass!" Katsuki hissed, pushing the idiot off him and marching on ahead to avoid any more physical ambushes. Well, that had been a fucking mistake, cause the moment he rounded the corner, he bumped into some loser from, what, the business course? It didn't matter. "Oi, watch where the fuck you're going!"

"You were the one who ran into me," he said. "But I guess I shouldn't expect anything else from Bakugou Katsuki."

"What's that supposed to mean hah?!" Katsuki yelled, grabbing the guy's shirt and pulling him closer. He hated when extras acted like they knew what he was all about, as if they knew him. This guy didn't know shit so he should just shut the fuck up.

"God, you're so loud and aggressive," he muttered before a small smile rose to his lips. "Wonder if you actually care about people at all."

Things happened quickly after that. Before any of his friends could reach them and try to deescalate the situation, the guy had used his quirk. Or, well, Katsuki assumed he did. Having your whole vision turn pink wasn't exactly a normal thing to happen, after all. He stumbled back, letting go of the annoying brat, and blinked, rubbing his eyes, trying to get the bright pink to fade. He heard voices, most likely the other extras he'd been walking with, but he couldn't make anything out. When the pink finally faded, the guy was long gone and people looked at him with looks Katsuki couldn't quite place.

"Are you okay? What did he say to you?" Kirishima asked. Why the hell did he sound so worried? As if an extra like that could actually hurt Katsuki in any way.

"I'm fine," he snapped, startled by how weak his voice sounded. Fragile, almost. "Fuck, I think that guy used his quirk on me or some shit."

"Does it hurt?" Kaminari asked. Katsuki glared at him, at the worried look he was giving him. Yeah, worry, pity, those were the things he hadn't been able to place at first. Why the hell were they looking at him like that?!

"I told you I'm fucking fine, didn't I?" Katsuki grunted. "Just some damn color flash and now-"

He froze up when he went to rub his eyes again, feeling the wetness of his cheeks. He was...crying? Katsuki quickly wiped away the tears, but they just kept silently streaming down his face. No wonder the idiots were worried. Katsuki Bakugou didn't fucking cry, not unless something was seriously wrong.

"Let's get you to Recovery Girl," Ashido said, not taking no for an answer. Katsuki didn't resist, though. He wanted to figure this out just as much as they did, wanted the worried glances to stop, to have his idiots focus on something else, something more productive, like the fucking homework they still had to complete tonight. He hated this. Hated that they felt the need to coddle and protect him even if he was completely fine! Hated that, when they entered the nurses office, Recovery Girl's eyes had done that little concerned tick she has when someone seriously injured comes in. Hated that she was so quick to usher him towards a bed and push the others out, cause if Katsuki's crying, it's serious, right?

She calmed down when Katsuki explained what happened and, by some miracle, his crying had almost stopped. There was no longer a silent stream of constant tears, only the few stray droplets every now and again.

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