Chapter two

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" Hey, Charm!"

I look back and see Rihanna. " Hey Annah," I say as she runs over to me. I prefer calling her Annah to Rihanna . It's shorter.

" So wassap girl. How you been over the weekend? And how's cutie?" She asks after catching up with me.

'Cutie's' what she calls my younger brother, David. David's actually adopted by my parents, but still, he's my brother.

" He's okay as usual, and I'm fine too," I reply.

" Good. I'm coming over to ya house today, got that?" She asks.

I said yes since she has obviously made up her mind. She didn't even wait for my reply before running off. That's Rihanna for you.


Later in class, I sit with Willow for history. She's the one who knows history stuff. I sit with her for two reasons during history class. One, if I'm asked a question, she's got my back and two, she's my friend.

" Hey, Charm. What's up?" She asks as I st down.

" I'm good, how 'bout you?" I asked.

" Same."

I was about to say another thing, but Mr. Mark, the history teacher, came in. " Good morning, class settle down."

He was greeted with a couple of groans. Obviously, we all didn't like history.

" How, was your weekend ?" He asked.

No one answered. We just stared at him. "Mine was good! I had a nice time with my family."

Lucas, a very rude boy whom I don't like raised his hand. Mr Mark pointed to him. " Yes, Mr Claid?"

" Sir, I'm sure no one cares about you or your family," he said, and the whole class burst out laughing except I, Willow, and our class rep Lucy.

" Hey!" Lucy shouted. " Dont talk to him like that. It's rude."

Lucas looked at her. " Oh, I'm sorry, Lucy, but it's true. No one wants to sit here all day listening to a man talk about his family. "

Lucy was about to talk, but Mr Mark stopped her. " That's okay, Miss Florence. And Mr Claid, that's detention for you. "

Lucas rolled his eyes, and Mr. Mark started his class.


" Ugh! That's so rude of Lucas, " Zulu said during lunch break. I just told Zulu and Rihanna about him.

" Yeah, no kidding," I said. " The boy doesn't fear nobody ." Willow said.

" He's such a big Coccydynia." Zulu said.

Rihanna raised an eyebrow. " Say what?"

" It's means he's a real pain in the butt," Zulu explained.

Zulu was a girl of words. She really knows how to make you think twice about what she said. She's really artistic and makes comments by spreading out her arms with that dreamy look in her eyes, like she's thinking of life as an artwork.

" You could'a just said that not, coddy...cumbi... whatever, " Rihanna said.

We all laughed except Zulu, who was probably angry at her for not saying the word well.

" It's Coccydynia," she corrected.

Rihanna didn't care.

Just then, Ben, Robbie, and Damien came to us.

" Hey, you girls," he greeted us mostly to Rihanna.

" Ben! My guy! Wassap?" Rihanna said to him as he sat next to her.

" I good. How 'bout you? Showed the world you Rihanna?" He asked, and they both laughed.

" You know me," Rihanna said.

We knew that now that Ben had arrived, Rihanna would keep talking to him. I think she likes him or he likes her. I won't be surprised if they become a couple.

" So," Willow said. " How have you boys been?"

" Cool, at least I am. " Robbie answered.

" And you, Damien?" Willow asked, ruffling his hair.

" Hey! Not the hair. You'll ruin my beautiful hair, " he said and brought out his comb to fix his hair.

Damien is a hair freak! He's all about his hair. I am sure he has no time for girls yet.

" Damien with the hair," I said, laughing.

" What, don't make fun of my baby," he said.

" Aww.." Willow smiled fake, blushing.

" Not you, I'm talking about my hair," he said to her, and she playfully hit his hair.

" Ow."

Soon after all the talking, well, mostly Rihanna and Ben, the bell rang, and we went back to class.

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