Teatime, baby? 🍬 ynhouzz

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WRITTEN BY: ynhouzz


yellow               c.a.r.d.
이 선.                   넘으면
침범이야               beep
매너는             여기까지



Contrary to the famous belief, being in a relationship as an idol had never felt wrong. In fact, for Yoongi, it felt right. It feels free.

Yeah, there would be restrictions here and there- fck it, there's a lot of restrictions. But despite all that, being together with Ayeong had always felt so right. Still is.

Both Yoongi and Ayeong are solo artists. One majoring in rap and producing, while the other singing and acting. They met at a New Year party Hoseok was hosting for the first time after the pandemic chaos enuses. Yoongi was the one who noticed her first, sipping on her drinks while playing rope jump in her heels (till this day he can't figure out how the drinks didn't spill) and when she's done, he just casually walk up to her then said "Hey, I notice you from the bar and I would be kicking myself if I didn't introduce myself," and the rest is history.

They went on dates, moved in together, released a collaboration song and now they're already one year into their relationship. Didn't know how they manage but after all those years, they're relationship is still a secret. And yeah, he's fine with that.

Coming home, Yoongi was expecting some kind of corny drama playing on the television while Ayeong was nothing but sprawled on the couch. However, it seems that he's the only one in the house.

Must be busy with the recording, he thought, putting his jacket up on the hangers by the door.

It's a rare occurrence, him being home before the other. But now's the case, you can't blame him if he wants to spend more time with his girlfriend and decides to cook something for dinner so they can enjoy it together.

They never really had time to talk for the past few weeks, both busy with their own schedule. Yoongi is working on his next mixtape while Ayeong is working on a high school romcom drama, where she acts as the best friend to the main lead.

While he was preparing the meat, his phone (which he put on the counter) pings with a notification from his girlfriend.


Gonna be late

Got a meeting (;'༎ຶٹ༎ຶ')

Replying with some motivations to keep her going, he ends their chat by telling he has dinner ready for both of them (which Ayeong replies with lots and lots of love emoticons).

Sudden meeting? She never had that in a while.

Of course meeting is mandatory whenever they have new projects or ideas prompting going on, but she already had hers last week. Sudden meeting is usually because of an emergency or trouble. He hopes it's none of them.

Safe to say, his hope was hopeless when Ayeong arrived three hours later, face all grim.

He was in the middle of rewatching Enchanto when there's silents step walking into the living room, slow and unsure. Upon first glance, he knew something's wrong hence he extended his hand for her to hold.

Without any resistance, he pulled her next to him, hugging her close, hands on her waist while putting his head on top of hers. "Teatime, baby?" she nods.

The teatime is kinda their thing to say whenever any of them need to vent out or comfort zone to talk. Ayeong is the one who came up with the idea on one of their lazy mornings in bed. "You know, like when they say drinking tea is comforting and good to calm down. We can have our own teatime," she said.

Yoongi was, simply said, amused.

"Don't you think teatime is some code for teenage girls when they want to gossip? Like the 'spill some tea' trends? You're getting influenced by tiktok. Delete that app, I swear," he retorted, faking an annoyed expression.

"I AM NOT! Tiktok is fun," she replied, hands hitting his chest, where she lay her head, playfully. "Teatime is good. Now we can be the couple who have secret codes like in the books,"

And who is Yoongi to deny her such little things that cause her to smile so much? He's a weak man.

A hit on his chest made him jolt a little, looking down. "What are you smiling about? I want to spill my bad meeting tea," she pouts which earned her a few chuckles from him.

Kissing her forehead, he mutters,"Sorry, baby. Caught in memories. Continue with your tea please," to others it may sound playful but Ayeong knows that Yoongi will take her every word seriously. Especially during teatime.

And that's her cue to spill.

"You remember that time when we went hiking to watch the stars last month?" he nods. "Someone caught us and spread the picture," she can sense how his hand is tightening on her waist, but he keeps quiet. "And that one time where you fetch me at the airport with my team?" again, he nods. "Someone caught your figure in the backseat." The chestnut hair girl takes a breath before continuing. "Also, some of my fans were complaining,"

This time, Yoongi speaks. "Complaint?"

She nods, "Yeah. You know how I usually wear your clothes lately because it's bigger in size and comfy? They said my type of clothing is now darker in shades and not really reflecting my personality," she said, hands already fiddling with his sweater neck. "So, all in all, my team thinks that it's better for us to reveal our relationship. But they're afraid of the consequences. Like, you know how they make a big fuss over my clothing choice having darker tone, what do you think they gonna react when I suddenly came out dating this local bad boy Min Yoongi,"

It's quiet for a while. A comfortable silence where Yoongi collects his thoughts.

"You know what darling?" she hums, head still comfortably resting on his shoulder. "Fuck their complaints. For a first, they need to understand where the line between your part of life which you want them to know and which part you don't want them to know. Secondly, if you think you're ready to reveal us then I'm okay with it. You can choose what to do here, sweetheart. And lastly, you look adorable in my clothes so fuck them for having a shitty behaviour,"

Ayeong laughs for a good minute before she suddenly sits up straight. "Wait, you for real?" Yoongi is confused for a while. "Just like that? You for real let me reveal about us just like that? You for real?"

Catching up, he shook his head before pulling her in for a hug, button nose nosing in her hair. "For real, baby. For real. Actually, the idea had been on my mind for a while,"

And so they did. Announcing their relationship which then took the world in a whiplash. Sure, there was some damage where hate was thrown here and there, but they managed. Yoongi knew, with her by his side and him always with her... they'll be fine. For a long long time.

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