Balling water into a small bowl her hands formed she splashed her face in hopes of clearing this hot flash, however she only disoriented the world quicker.

A young girl, short, with stubbly bruised legs and chewed up nails stood in her fathers camp. Her eyes wore fearful, with a small piece of white fabric clenched between her fingers. She stared up momentarily, only for some sort of hand to cruelly slap the gulls out of her.

She couldn't even move before the next flash contorted, controlling her world.

A dark wolf, stood roguishly in a field of mauled bodies. It fur matted with thorns and leaves, and it's jaw covered completely with still wet blood from the bodies. It sneered at something, before pouncing.

She held on tightly as the world restabalized, blinking far to many times to check if what she were witnessing were truly right in front of her.

It took but a moment for her to acknowledge what had to be done, and only two more for her to pass through the crowd of people to get to her friend. He immediately turned to her, stopping in his sentence, curious at the look on her face.

"You need to come with me, I must return to New Orleans. It very well may be the death of my family if I don't."


Outskirts Of French Quarter, Late Evening

HATRED WORE BETTER, it were easier and far more manageable. However unfortunately beyond the people already dead, Mazeki had run fresh out of people to specifically hate at the moment. So she chose to hate the world instead.

The blonde sat as the passenger, her feet kicked up on the stolen Porsche, with her fingers stuck in a bag of chips pressed between her and the seat. Jasper drove one handed, reaching into his cup holder to pick out a random candy from the candy bag he had.

"I'm admittedly quite pleased we stole a car with Snacks, I worry I would have grown peckish on such a long drive." Mazeki thought aloud to the silent vehicle, neither feeling quite to in need of some music.

Jasper side eyed her curiously, raising a brow. "In what way?" The blonde only smirked at him in return as her fleeting answer, popping another chip in her mouth. He grinned amusingly at her, "You, Beautiful, are probably to best controlled Vampire I've ever encountered. I don't think there will ever be a day I see you lose control."

She hummed, pointing at him as she began to speak. "Well that is because I'm far to picky to ever properly enjoy losing control, more often then not I'm left with some over sweet blood that I can barely swallow down without a chaser of Tequila."

He rolled his eyes, mockingly pointing at her with his own pointer finger as He copied her annoying quirks. "And that's why you are my favourite companion, you will never steal any of my gummy worms. Far to sweet for someone so bitter."

She grinned, eating another chip as she looked away from the vampire chauffeur. The two tried to relax in silence once more, however an unfortunate habit With Jasper, once he started it were impossible to stop him. "So, seeing as I'm gonna meet her. Who is this Mate of yours?"

The two friends had indeed chatted more after Jaspers revelation, but unfortunately there weren't much to be done with such knowledge at that very moment. So they had traded stories of what had happened within the time since Mazeki woke up.

And she of course couldn't keep her situation very secretive in the stories.

"Hayley Marshall, remarkable women. Betrothed werewolf queen, and an absolute beauty. I don't very well think there is any other woman out there that competes with her. She is simply one of a kind." Mazeki sighed, and if Jasper didn't know better he'd say it almost sounded dreamily by the way she gazed longingly out the window with a chip half way past her lips.

He had certainly never seen Mazeki Mikaelson in such a fuss over a man or woman, which only worked his interest all the more. "So in reality, we aren't returning to save your family, your pussy whipped."

That immediately gained the Heretics attention as she quickly snapped from her Daze and starred at the dark male who smiled boyishly at her. "You are a disgusting little man, that should know his place when-"

"Yeah that doesn't work on me like it does other people, I'm use to it by now. Your brother used to throw way harsher stuff my way."

Making a clicking sound with her tongue, she glowered at the man as she sunk back in her seat. "We are no returning for Hayley, we are returning for my daughter. And my brother- if we have time. Though he'd probably spend the whole time victimizing himself, so I'd be more than willing to cut that bit out all together."

"Your daughter?" He wondered as he finally caught sight of one of the signs confirming that he was in fact making the right way into New Orleans.

"My Dove, Davina Claire. Quite the promising witch, she made a whole green house burst with roses." The Blonde bragged proudly, impressed with the young witch.

He opened his mouth to respond, however let's put a painful cry as pain slices right through his stomach. His hands leaving the steering wheel on instinct to grab at the painful area.

Mazeki's eyes widen as she watches the car spin out of control, her hand moving out in order to stop the vehicle only to watch as the speed accelerated and her body contorted with hot pain the burned through her mind like a forest fire.

Blood seeped past Jaspers fingers, as he screamed at the pain convoluting his body, taking his mind with it as he slammed his head back to roughly on the seat, and was snapped unconscious.

Mazeki's eyes water as the Car sharply turns and heads straight for a tree of the trail, Her hands slamming roughly against the door as more pain drilled in her body. Trapped in a car, on land, though she felt as though she were drowning in Lava.

However just as she were about to crash her world went cold, the world darkening right before the loud sounds of Metal clashing with wood. Just in he peripheral of the crash, the sign Jasper had read informing them of their entering of the French Quarter.

 Just in he peripheral of the crash, the sign Jasper had read informing them of their entering of the French Quarter

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Hi Lovelies!
I just wanna say- I LOVE JASPER SO MUCH, I'm just so Happy Mazie has a friend :D

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