Chapter 11 - He says he's no good with words, but I'm worse

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I'm two quarters and a heart down
And I don't want to forget how your voice sounds

When you woke up, Chishiya's side was empty.

Oh no. What had you done? Had you said something in your sleep? You used to be a night walker when you were a kid, but you had never been a sleep talker. Or at least no one had told you, if you were. Maybe nobody told you because they found it entertaining and now your whole situationship with Chishiya was over. You were spiraling when the door opened and he came in, in his white hoodie, holding a mug and something brown wrapped in a napkin. 

"You are awake. I don't know what you usually have for breakfast."

You felt so relieved you wanted to jump, grab his face between your hands and kissed it entirely. But you remained composed, clearing your throat, using both your arms to change into a sitting position. You usually never had breakfast, not eating anything until noon. But you were not about to tell him that, because that was just. So. Endearing. 

"Whatever is available." 

You smiled, he smiled. He handed you the mug of steaming black coffee (definitely way too hot for you, you only drank coffee if it was an extremely expensive Starbucks drink with lots of ice, and lots of milk, so that the taste was masked as much as possible) and a bun. You took a sip, burnt your tongue as you knew you would (at least the coffee wouldn't taste so bitter then) and took a bite of the pastry, which was actually really nice.

"Did you want sugar?" He said, eyebrow raised after seeing the expression you made when drinking.

"No, no, it's perfect!" You exclaimed. But it was clear he had found out.

"Sorry. I am not good at this."

"Well, knowing how other people take their coffee is an art. You clearly are a master of deduction, but couldn't get in here." You pointed to your head, smiling. Last thing you wanted was for him to feel bad about not getting your coffee order right. "You are handsome, you are intelligent. If you also had got this right first try it would be too much for poor little me. The bun is really good, tho."

"You think I'm handsome?" He smirked, teasing you, taking a sit in the chair next to the bed.

"You know I do."

"You never told me."

Was that true? You honestly couldn't recall. You knew you had thought about it, multiple times, but were unsure whether you had actually said it out loud or not. To Kuina? For sure. To him? Maybe not.

"Fishing for compliments?"


"I already said you were intelligent, handsome and a master of deduction. You won't be getting any more so far, otherwise your ego will grow too big and we won't fit in this room. And I'll have to go find somewhere else to sleep."

"Kuina won't let you in."

"Maybe Arisu then." You said, deadpan look in your face. He bent forwards to take the coffee mug from your hand, drank from it and left it in the night stand. He took your free hand in his.

"No, you are staying with me." You smiled. Wasps in your belly and the tingling of a million ants where his skin met yours. "He got in trouble yesterday, Kuina told me."

"Who, Arisu? How?" He didn't seem like the kind of person who went looking for trouble.

"The militants. They took interest in Usagi, the girl he came with."

"Oh no." You meant it. You had been lucky enough that Niragi had sort of forgot about you, likely because now you were back in Chishiya's company and he was on top of him in the hierarchy of The Beach. But you were not stupid, and even if the blonde man hadn't told you, you could see. The tension grew bigger, and bigger, between the Executives and the militants.

"Arisu stood up, and defended her." Go, Arisu! "They were going to break his legs so that he would die in the next game when the Hatter appeared." You never thought you would be grateful for that man's input.

"He stopped it?"

"Yes. There was an executive meeting this morning, which is why I had to leave. Apparently the only card the Hatter is missing, is the ten of hearts. He wants us to keep an eye open for it. He also has to renew his visa soon."

You bit the inside of your cheek, thinking. Any time the Hatter left The Beach, you feared the militants would do something crazy. But, if he was to participate in a game, he would probably take Aguni with him and there was only so much that group could do without his big, scary boss.

"I plan on telling Arisu about the plan. You and Kuina should come, as well."

"Now?" You looked at your half-eaten bun, at his hand you didn't want to let go off just yet.

"Later on."

"Come sit with me then?" You asked, tugging gently at his arm so that he would sit by your side. He smiled and did so, putting his arm around you once more. You leaned on him, still eating from time to time, him drinking the coffee you obviously didn't want.

"For next time, very little coffee. Lots of milk. Enough sugar to get cavities."

"Note taken."

"Although, maybe not the sugar. Like, what if I actually had cavities and had to go to the dentist? Are there any dentists here? Would I just have to drink an entire bottle of rum while you or Kuina pulled my tooth out? Could I ever forgive you for that if it was one of my front teeth?"

"These insights into your mind are fascinating."

"I mean it."

"I know it."

He was laughing. And you were laughing as well, but also, it was a little bit serious. 

"My mind's a constant monologue. Got worse since landing here."

"Does it ever stop?"

"Sometimes. Usually when you are around."

His eyes met yours. "Guess I can't go anywhere, then."

"Were you planning to?"


Your heart was racing. Your breath turned heavy. Your faces were so close, if you moved forward a little bit, your lips would meet his. In fact, was he already moving towards you?



"I haven't brushed my teeth."

You didn't want your first kiss to be ruined by horrible morning breath. He smiled, entertained.

"Did you think I was going to kiss you?"


"You weren't!?"

"I guess we will never know." He did place a kiss on your cheek after saying that, merely a little peck, nothing more than a brush of his lips against your skin. The look on his face confirmed the answer to your question was a yes, but you wish to have gotten verbal confirmation as well.

"That's unfair!" 

"Go brush your teeth."

"You're not my dentist."

"You have bestowed on me the responsibility of being the one to take your front tooth out when you, inevitably, develop cavities from the sugar intake. I am the closest thing to it."

You smiled, but were still red, and hot, and in a way that was not even cute. You most likely looked like you had just climbed Everest or run a marathon.

"And then you will kiss me?"

"We'll see."

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