However, His Highness Claude, who loves Brigitte, could not let that go, and the atmosphere has changed into what it is today.

Seeing His Highness Claude like that, I was determined to always be by his side, hoping that I could heal his heart.

I would be lying if I said that I did not have an ugly feeling of hoping that His Highness Claude might take a look at me. Still, I had no choice but not to do it just because I was not at the end of the line.

 63: This is where I die

Then one day, His Highness Claude invited me to go to the castle town with him, without any guards.

I was happy.

Without thinking about how dangerous it was for me to go to the castle town without an escort, why His Highness Claude had one, or why I was going home in the carriage, I simply accepted His Highness Claude's invitation with a feeling of joy.

As a result, we both get kidnapped, of course.

Up until now, Lord Kaisar had been the worst man in my life, but that spot is now held by the men in front of me.

Even though Lord Kaisar attempted to assault me, he still would not have taken my life.

I knew they committed crimes and killed like drinking water.

I can feel this from their conversations.

And then we're both blindfolded and locked in a basement somewhere.

They removed the blindfold a few hours later, but the metal shackles on my wrist and ankles remained.

Ahh, is this where I die?

The actuality of this makes me feel guilty for being so irresistible to His Highness Prince Claude.

If only I hadn't given in to my desires that day, I could have done something else instead of going out to the castle town, and if I had had a proper escort, maybe none of this would have happened.

That's what I've been thinking about ever since I got locked in the basement.

"Hey. The boss said not to touch her for a week just in case, but it's already been five days. Isn't it safe to f*ck her now?"

"But Boss is a strict one, so if you're going to do it, do it alone when I'm not around, okay? I'm not risking my life for just one woman yet."

And how long have we been locked in this basement?

If what they say is true, we've been here five days.

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