Chapter XIII "New Realization and Friends?"

Start from the beginning

I let out a blood curdling roar before tackling the creature into a wall repeatedly as it tired to free itself, but with no luck as I was tackling harder and harder and the creature was becoming weaker and weaker, I was about to deliver a final blow with my antlers until the creature uppercutted me sending me back "The fuck did you learn that?" I said as the creature tried to tackle me but I moved out the way. Just then I realized they weren't aiming at me and the creature ran right into the dumbwaiter and slashed at it I quickly slashed it's back making it turn towards me and cutting deep into my flesh as it smacked me aside then threw me through the wall making me fall off the second story and hitting the floor as I passed out letting my wounds take time to heal.

Wednesday POV:

I was listening to the fighting going on outside the dumbwaiter as for some reason I started to feel worried about (Y/n), just then something crashed into us and a slash mark was created revealing the creature, I thought that was it until (Y/n), in his Wendigo form, pulled the creature back only to get slashed and thrown by the creature. I felt my heart sink as for some reason I couldn't comprehend the fact that the creature killed (Y/n), but I was quickly pushed out of my thoughts as I heard a cable snap and me and Enid where sent flying down as Enid screamed and I braced for the impact.

We were thrown into a room as I stood up and turned on a light as I looked around and saw jars filled with the limbs of the missing body parts I was just looking at them until I heard the creature come down the stairs as I helped Enid exit through a small window, but just before I followed her though, I went back to conform my suspicion. "What are you doing?" I heard Enid say as the creature climbed down the stairs slowly "These are the body parts from the monster's victims," I said as sharing my conformed suspicion as the monster was finally down the stairs and Enid was telling me to hurry up.

The creature got closer as I quickly left trough the window and slammed it shut "You okay?" I asked Enid as we got up "Since when do you care?" I heard her ask as I picked up my flashlight and ran back towards the front of the house "Wednesday, what the hell are you thinking?" I heard Enid yell as I quickly responded "We have to go back for (Y/n) and Tyler," "The monster's back there!" I heard her yell but I didn't care. We made it to the front of the house as I saw Tyler injured and (Y/n) laying lifeless I quickly ran up to (Y/n) as I looked at his slash mark that was cut too deep to be survivable "Wednesday, get away from the monster!" I heard Tyler say as I quickly respond "This isn't the monster, It's (Y/n)," I said as I looked at (Y/n) and started shaking.

I then looked up to see Xavier as I was just confused "Where'd you come from?" I asked as Xavier looked at (Y/n) "This the creature?" I heard him ask as I looked back down to (Y/n) and shook my head, just when I felt my eye's about to tear up I suddenly saw that (Y/n)'s wound started closing and he suddenly started healing while also transforming back as I looked in shock.

(Y/n) POV:

I started to wake up as I felt my wounds finish healing and I opened my eye's to see a confused Wednesday, Shocked Enid and Tyler, and freaked out Xavier "Nice night ain't it?" I asked awkwardly as I suddenly smelt the scent of blood and heard my stomach rumble "Who's bleeding?" I asked as Tyler lifted his hand and I got up as did Wednesday. Wednesday then started tending to Tyler's wound as I looked back towards Xavier "Since when did you get here?" I asked as Xavier as he just ignored me and took off his scarf and handed it to Wednesday to help treat Tyler's wound "The creature still inside?" "Why?" I heard Wednesday ask "To ask for round four," I said making Wednesday shake her head as we got up and drove to Tyler's house.

While on the road I was driving as I heard Enid suddenly say "I didn't know you were able to transform and drive," "One, it's not a transformation you know and two I don't so let's not get pulled over," I said as Enid and Wednesday looked at me with a concerned look as we finally arrive at Tyler's house and go inside to treat Tyler.

"Thanks, Doc," I heard Tyler say as Wednesday just ignored him and continued treating him "Not to make this about me, but I am having a full-blown panic attack right now," I heard Enid speak out "Had a couple when I was younger, get used to it after a while," I said causing Enid to glare at me which, I didn't know she was capable of.

Just then I heard the door open as I look towards it and saw the sheriff "What the hell happened?" "Slumber party gone wrong, the fuck does it look like," I said as the sheriff walked closer "This was you two, wasn't it?" "Wait, Dad, please, I'm okay," Tyler said as he got up to defend us "Sheriff, I understand you're upset," "That's an understatement," I said making Wednesday glare at me before looking back. "But I think you need to see something," was all she said before leading the Sheriff back to the gates house as I decide to split off and go back to my dorm for the day.

When walking into Nevermore I was greeted by the sight of Ms. Weems starring at me "Where's Wednesday?" "Am I not enough for you?" I asked as she just glared at me "Well she ain't here," I said causing her to get irritated "She's going to be expelled for-," "I think you got this mixed up," I said causing Weems to look at me confused. "I beg your pardon?" She asked as I looked at her with a serious look "The plan to investigate, the sneaking out, the peers under danger, all my plan," I said causing Weems to looked more confused "No need to lie," "I'm not, I'm being dead ass serious," I said as Weems was just left astonished.

I walked past her as she was just left broken "And if you do expel Wednesday, I a can guarantee this place will drown in the fire of the dead," was the last thing I said before heading to my dorm and laying on my bed as I just relaxed and enjoyed the moment, that was until I heard a knock on my dorm and opened it to reveal a confused Wednesday.

"What answers are needed?" I asked as Wednesday let herself in and and sat on the bed "how did you heal from those wounds?" "Wendigo can heal from any wound unless it was inflicted by fire or a magical weapon," I answered as I realized something off with Wednesday "Did something happen?" I asked causing Wednesday to look away. "Enid left and is sharing her dorm with Yoko out of anger towards me," "Sound's pretty fucked up," was all I said as Wednesday continued "Goody always told me I'd be alone and usually I like the feeling but," That when she stopped as I could tell she was upset.

"Guess Goody lied to you then," I said sitting down next to her "What do you mean?" she asked confused while looking at me "Goody told you you'd be alone right?" Wednesday nodded still not understanding what I meant "Then why am I still here?" I asked as Wednesday looked at me surprised before she looked away.

After a little time she got up and left towards the door as I just smiled "See yea on the next episode of questions answer," I said joking as Wednesday looked back at me and I swear I thought I saw her smile but she looked away before I could tell "Thanks," was all she said before exiting and shutting the door as I just blushed and continued smiling.

Wednesday POV:

When I shut (Y/n)'s door I felt as if I immediately wanted to go back in as my heart was pumping insanely fast and my face felt as hotter then the surface of the sun, I didn't know why I was feeling this way if he's just a... friend?


A/n: Welp since there's only two votes for a new story idea and each vote for a separate one, I decided to put both in a wheel and spin to see which wins, who won? Keep an eye out for it :)

(Edit)A/n: Never mind new vote broke the tie breaker, I'm making that story

The Killers Mirror//Wednesday x Male 'Wendigo' ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now