FT-Jazz rainy nights

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Character age- 5-18[idk]

Character name- M/C-Y/N

It has been raining for about 3 hours now, its finally gotten dark outside dark enough for most to be asleep. Jazz had been asleep for about 45 minutes now while in 2 rooms over M/C-Y/N had still been awake. Despite it being 'late' the storm outside raged on and on thunder so loud the ground shook, lightning so bright you would've thought the sun exploded. Everyone who heard about the storm thought it would have been just a quick little rain shower but they were in for a treat when it wasn't. There was a supposed tornado watch because of the rain for some reason, everyone was freaked out because the rain didn't stop after about 15 minutes.

The rain hit the against the window at a constant rate M/C-Y/N had sat on their bed well it was kinda their room kinda not. There's no simple way to explain it. Rather it was home but not home. M/C-Y/N had their comfort item against their chest, watching their comfort show/youtuber on their phone. As they were watching the power started to flicker on and off on and off. The little lamp next to them flickered about 200 different times. Just as they reached over to turn off the light thunder struck again only this time you could physically feel the shaking, and of course perfect timing right after lightning lit up the room. Bringing their body to what can only be describe as the ball formation. The sense of immediate comfort it brought them helped ish.

Looking around the room they slowly got up placing their feet on the cold floor below slowly getting up. Carefully walking on their tiptoes over to the door slowly pushing it open praying to whoever or whatever that it would not creek. Slowly tiptoeing down the hall past the two doors that separated jazz room and theirs. Jazz room door was never closed when he slept for some reason he always claimed that it was just incase someone needed to talk to him immediately or if a robber broke in while he was in his holoforms, there never seemed to be a set in stone reason for why but no one bothered him about it. M/C-Y/N leaned on the doorway slightly looking into the room where jazz slept peaceful and perfectly fine.

M/C-Y/N looked at him for a brief moment before slowly retreating back to their room. Walking back into their room shutting the door quietly, walking over to their bed snuggling under the blankets clutching them to themselves tightly going back to watching their comfort show/youtuber again. The storm only seemed to sense their fear and continued to rage outside. Until finally after a bit the power flicked again and again before completely going then back on again. For a town that seemed to never have a bad storm they had good power during storms. After what seemed like an hour but was just 15 minutes the lighting and thunder became to much clicking off the phone getting up again. Turning off the lamp and tiptoeing to jazz room again, as they were about to peak in thurder struck again that nearly scared them to death along with making them nearly fall the fuck over. Gripping onto the doorway, taking a few quick deep breath. Slowly peaking into the room speaking quietly but loud enough to be heard.


No response but a tired groan that sounded like snoring. About to turn around and go back to their room to try and wait out the storm again, till a tired deep smooth voice called out.

"Came on in kiddo.. ah was just resten mah eyes"

Slowly walking into jazz room and over to the free side of the bed, carefully laying down trying to not make much noise or shake the bed. Curling into a ball. M/C-Y/N had pushed the blankets over to jazz not wanting to take or horde them. As they tried to close their eyes jazz voice ran out again.

"Gah kido ya can use the blan'kets"

As his voice just reached their the blankets were over them. Feeling the fabric against parts of their skin, slowly/slightly uncurling from the ball formation. Just as they were about to go sleep yet again did jazz reawaken them by pulling them closer to him. Practically- there was no Practically it pretty much was jazz semi cuddling M/C-Y/N or holding them against their will close to him. M/C-Y/N slightly taken aback by this ish, jazz has always been one to hug and share comfort or physical touch but always asked or warned first unless serious situation.

"Go to sleep kido, ol' jazz won't touch ya"

His voice was tired sounding and slightly gruther then usual. Closing their eyes trying to sleep, every time the were about to the thought of working on something or a memory popped up. Trying to push down the memories like they pushed down their emotions but only this time it didn't work. Trying to keep a steady breath even though they mainly mentally sighed, though that seemed to fail they would most definitely Remer that like how they rember their childhood embarrassing moments. Hearing a slight hum that Changed tones, to reveal it was jazz humming Changing tone along with pitch, after a second they realized what he was doing. He had heard the sigh and was humming to make them relaxed and go to sleep peacefully. M/C-Y/N mentally said fuck it and decide to try to fall asleep slowly. Drifting to sleep while jazz was humming away happily it seemed. Finally after about 30 seconds after M/C-Y/N fell asleep so did jazz. They both fell asleep quietly even with the storm outside.

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