The Second Borns

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'Valari words/ or Erika's mother tongue'


"Westron/Common tongue"

Disclaimer: LOTR and Silmarillion are properties of J.R.R. Tolkien and Tolkien Estates. None of the songs used in the story are mine too and only borrowed for entertainment purposes.

AN: Another super late upload. Peace! I actually finished chapter 11 for a month now but I didn't upload it because I feel like I'm not satisfied. So my writer's syndrome hit me and rewrote it all over again. And then I got addicted to this Korean light novel that I'm reading with 600+ chapters. Lol.


The Second Borns

If I can just kick myself in the ass, I would've done it already. Of course I would kick Faeron first.

That's what I've been thinking the whole time during the painfully awkward lunch with everybody. I forgot that these people act more demure and reserved, and there I was actually wrestling with a guy because of trivial stuff. Maybe I look more childish now in their eyes. It took a lot of nerves for me not to hide my face in embarrassment and act normally through their unhidden amused reactions. Thankfully, none of them spoke about it and acted as if nothing happened.

After eating, I thought I could finally get away from them and hide inside my room, but Lord Círdan invited everyone to have some tea in the garden. The introvert in me was in a dilemma if I should go or not, but of course it would be very rude of me to decline even though I cringe at the thought of sitting down again with them for a long time. Do they know it's bad to sit down after a meal? My belly fat would rejoice and come out again to greet me for sure. I need to work out after this.

The men --err-- ellon, wait plural term, ellyn?? Fucking hell, this is confusing. I need to write these things down or else all the things I've learned will be wasted.

Everyone sat inside the wide pavilion while beautiful servants were tailing after us, carrying trays of tea and biscuits. I tried to help them with it but they politely refused and told me that 'I'm the lord's guest'. It's a little bit disturbing on my part. Disturbing because I've never had anyone serve me like this before. Just this morning, Ms. Heledh said I will have a servant to assist me on everything I need. It disturbs me, it's not natural!

Trying to forget that subject, I focused myself on the scenery around me. The garden looks so gorgeous and everything sounds so peaceful, the gentle splashing of the water flowing from the stream, the whistling sound of the wind and rustling of the leaves. The landscape is filled with colors from various flowers and plants. This place could calm down someone's anxiety almost instantly, a therapy for tired souls. One thing I noticed is that time flows slowly. Back from home, one blink of an eye and you'll not notice that half an hour has passed already. It must be the rush of things but I'm not sure since folks here move fast and precise... not to mention, graceful.

The ever gentleman... er elf, Glorfindel pulled out a chair for me and carefully pushed it as I sat down, he also grabbed a chair beside me, smiling with all his radiant glory. Does this guy don't realize how lethal those attacks are? He's like a sun, literally shining!

I pulled my eyes away from him and uttered a silent thanks as an attendant placed a steaming cup of tea in front of me, same goes for the others. The tea looks golden and smells fresh and light. I picked up the luxurious looking teacup a little awkwardly, it looks different and delicate on my hands that it's almost translucent and is very light. I'm used to using huge mugs or asian style thick clay teacup when I drink tea so I ended up taking the cup from the body and placed it at the top of my other hand before taking a sip. I'm not describing anymore how awkward I am while doing this.

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