Chapter 24 | Lies and Confessions

Start from the beginning

Yeah, he smiles and winks at her.

Anastasia blushes and looks away as she starts to eat her ice cream. It's been awhile since we had time alone. I miss this. She reaches for Portman's hand and strokes it.

Yeah me too baby girl.

I know I haven't asked in awhile but how's your mom doing?

She's doing good, she keeps asking when she's going to get to meet you.

Soon, I hope.. If everything goes right between us. ..since you already met my parents

Yeah, how are they doing?

They're doing okay I guess. They're always at work so it's usually just me at home.

Oh really? Dean looks at her.

Yeah but don't get any ideas

Me? He replies I would never

Yeah okay, this is the same guy that kissed me in an empty hallway at Banks'. Giving him a knowing look.

And you're the same girl that liked it so much that you kissed back and held on to me. He smirks.

Yeah, yeah, she replies sarcastically. They begin to eat their ice cream smiling at each other as they play footsies below the table.

Ten minutes had passed as they enjoyed their ice cream in a comfortable silence.

We should head back now, we don't want to be late for practice.

Ten minutes later, Anastasia felt upset as her conscious went on overdrive. I feel like I'm lying to him but I don't want him to worry. I care so much about him. She looks down at their interwoven hands and then up into his beautiful eyes. He looks back down at her and smirks. She bit her bottom lip worried as Dean's light brown eyes travel down to her lips as a warmness filled him. He stops on the sidewalk and pulls her to him caressing her cheek. Anastasia looks back at him looking into his eyes as they become closer. In an instant his lips are on hers as they share a passionate kiss as the busy street becomes quieter in her thoughts. Her hands begin to travel to his arms as he holds her by the waist.

A few minutes have passed as they began to fight for dominance. Catcalls and snickers were heard from passing teenagers but they didn't care enough to pull away. That was until they heard Portman Vlanterrin get a room. They pull apart as Portman looks past Anastasia as a smirk replaces his smile. Anastasia gives a questioning look to Dean as she turns around connecting eyes to Fulton and Julie.

Just the person I need to talk to.

Hey guys, having fun? Fulton says as he looks between his best friends.

Oh the best till we got interrupted. Anastasia sarcastically says as she laughs.

But hey you two go ahead of us I need to talk to Julie about some girl stuff...

Julie looks at her.

We'll catch up later. Anastasia quickly looks at Dean and Fulton.

Okay babe. Fulton and Dean begin to walk across the street into the entrance of Eden Hall.

What's wrong? Julie looks at Anastasia as they begin to walk slowly.

Nathan called me today at lunch and wanted to talk about us getting back together. He practically told me to dump Dean or he would tell him everything.

Oh my gosh well did you tell Portman? Julie looks both ways before they cross the street as Anastasia gave her a crazy look.

Why didn't you tell him?

How was I supposed to say in a middle of a date yeah so my ex called me. I know we had problems before with us and Banks but I decided not to tell you about my ex because I didn't want to lose you.

But if he's threatening to tell Portman everything anyways you might want to tell him before he does. Wait how does Nathan even know about Banks and Portman. Didn't that all happen right after you moved here.

That's what I don't get I know my Manhattan friends wouldn't say anything. They don't even know everything the only people that do are...

Realization hit them like a ton of bricks as they stopped and looked at each other.

The Ducks. Every duck that was there at Banks' house for that sleepover.

You don't think Connie would have said something right? she did meet some of my Manhattan friends and some of my old pictures have him in it.

I think she might have because how else would he have found out. Your friends wouldn't have gotten into a fight if they were telling him everything.

True, they begin to walk to the Eden Hall ice rink.

I think you need to be careful of what you say around her and also tell Portman everything before anyone else does. It might be best to tell Banks as well. We can all see you still care about him.

Is it really that obvious?

They begin to walk to the locker room.

Maybe not to Portman but I could tell. I mean I've seen you look at him when you thought no one would see. And I could see how hurt you were when he officially started dating Sarah.

Yeah it did hurt but I'm with Dean. He's such a good boyfriend. I want to at least try and be a good girlfriend for him.

Just think about what I said. They open the locker room and quickly change hoping they made it on the ice before Coach Orion.

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