The door opened and her Mother gasped at the sight of the men around her. "If I didn't know any better, Lexi, I would've guessed you sweet talked these boys to join you." She teased.

Lexus eased a small laugh, musing her Mother. "Sorry if we're a little late."

Hilda let them in, each one giving their thank yous to her. Lexus found things fine so far as she searched for her father in the living room, but once the door shut her hopes were dashed. She turned to find Hilda bowing deeply to Noctis, head down as if she was ready to have her head chopped off or to be knighted. Hard to tell.

"Your Majesty, it's a blessing of the Six that you're alive." She told, Noctis standing by the kitchen awkwardly.

"Uhh... Thanks, Mrs. Quintin." He looked to the other for help.

Lexus came over and got her mother off the floor, "Mom, please no scene." She begged.

Hilda brushed her daughter off, "Oh, no one can see or hear us. It's perfectly fine." she assured her.

No, it wasn't. Lexus looked to Noctis worried he would get annoyed or Ignis might say something. She didn't expect a fight, but with how her mother was over Noctis, she could be a little overbearing. One of the traits Lexus had hoped her mother would've gotten over within the past ten years.

"Oh, please make yourselves at home, gentleman." She ushered them into the living room, where they sat in the couches and chairs. "I'll get you some drinks, any requests?"

"Water, please." Said Ignis.

"Same here." Prompto added with a nod from Gladio.

"May as well all have water." Lexus told her mother.

Once Hilda disappeared into the kitchen, Lexus hung her head and her palm smacked her forehead. Prompto, who sat closest to her, patted her arm to get her attention. "See? Going good so far."

So far, she thought. Hilda returned, giving everyone a glass of cold ice water. The men thanked her. She sat in a chair and turned it to face them, looking highly intrigued by her guests. "So, what do you think of the city?"

"It's very... different from Insomnia." Noctis gave.

Prompto nodded, "Lots of views for good photos." he added.

Gladio, who sat in a chair closest to Hilda, leaned back. "It's truly different seeing the men be at home and women work."

Hilda smiled, "It was a culture shock when we arrived as well, but it all works out. So long as Varinhas someone to tend to him." she told.

"I'm fine on my own." Lexus stood just as her father wheeled himself in, smiling at the sight of his daughter. "Lexi, come give your old dad a hug."

She didn't hesitate, scooting past the boys and giving her father a gentle hug in his chair. Lexus offered to push him into the living room, but he started to wheel himself before she could touch the handles.

"Good for you boys to come visit, thank you." Varin told, bowing his head to them. "We don't have any visitors, we keep to ourselves here."

"It's no trouble, Sir." Prompto told, smiling at the man.

Ignis agreed, "Thank you for inviting us into your home and for dinner." he gave.

"Our pleasure." Hilda told. "Is there anything you boys can't eat that you don't like? Just to make sure."

Prompto and Gladio shook their heads, though Ignis found Noctis about to protest against vegetables. He found his voice faster than the prince, reaching for his glass of water. "We'll eat whatever it is you've prepared for us with no fuss, Mrs. Quintin."

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