Chapter 13

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"You guys have to ease yourself, relax when with the Chocobo." Lexus explained as she stood with Ferris who kept nuzzling her back. She let him do whatever, nibbling her hair or softly cooing when she would reach back and pet his head.

Before the pine haired girl, the four boys stood with their respective bright yellow Chocobos. With Deadeye gone and no longer a concern, Wiz allowed the Chocobos out and they were excited to be out and free to roam the ranch again.

They decided to wait another day to reach Lestallum after Gladio called his sister, Iris. She was doing alright and wished them to be safe and sound. He had asked her to look for Lexus' parents, since Wiz informed the group that's where they went to years ago. Lexus didn't know if she even wanted to see them, especially her mother. But, deep down, she felt she had to let them know she was alive and well. Possibly assuming she was killed in the attack on Insomnia.

For now, today, Lexus agreed to teach the boys how to ride a Chocobo. She felt it would come easy for Prompto and Gladio, while Ignis will figure it out with his constant calm demeanor. It was Noctis she was curious about, as his Chocobo was restless beside him and tried to bite his fingers a few times when feeding this morning. Finding a good behaved Chocobo for the prince would be difficult.

"How do we mount them?" Prompto asked.

Lexus smiled, "It's more simple than you'd think. But, let's first connect and learn about your Chocobo." she turned to Ferris and reached a hand up. He nuzzled it instantly, letting her pet his red feathers and give his chest a rough scratch. Ferris ruffled at the joy of the scratch and cooed with his neck stretched out high.

"Each Chocobo is different, not one being the same as the other. They all have that sweet spot that'll make them love you more. Try to gently find that spot." She explained to them.

Prompto was a bit skittish at first, his excitement spooked the bird a few times. Soon he rubbed under its wings and then reached for its chest, kneeling down. His bird ruffled itself, making him nearly fall over. The bird wasn't too bothered, as it stepped over and nuzzled his cheek, he was doing pretty good. Lexus inwardly joked they might be mistaking Prompto as a fellow Chocobo with his hair.

Gladio held his hand out for the bird to sniff and soon rubbed his head against it. Gladio patted its head, which the bird loved, resulting in a small scratched right above his beak. He had found his bird's sweet spot pretty quickly.

When watching Ignis, he had skimmed his hands gently through his bird's feathers along the back and neck, then heard it coo when he touched under his chin. He had found the spot and scratched under the bird's chin, making it raise its head and tilt it this way and that.

Three down, one struggling prince to go.

Noctis had trouble even touching his bird, let alone find a spot. Concerned for his fingers being snapped off or getting kicked by the large legs. Amazing, she thought. He fought creatures ten times his size, but the thought of petting a Chocobo is what got to him. As a child, she would have enjoyed seeing this sight. But now, she just wanted to help ease him with the bird to ride comfortably. She approached Noctis who sighed in frustration.

"Is there something I'm doing wrong?" He asked.

She shook her head, "Just relax, this bird might not feel okay with you is all."

"Oh, if that's all." He responded with sarcasm as she approached him.

Lexus gave him a look and gave his bird a few scratches and pets to find its sweet spot. She eventually found it at the back of his head, making the bird coo and rest its head on her shoulder as she gently hugged it.

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