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Hao's pov

"Once in a millennium? Infinity moon?" What are those?" I continuously looked at Long Yewan while thinking. 

"Is he deceiving me?" I thought. But somethings were bothering to me. I felt everything so real. I mean I felt like I know this world. Even this man, this forest, everything around me was really felt familiar. Even the old man whom I followed. 

"Yewan, What is The INFINITY MOON?" I asked.

"My Lord, The Infinity moon rise above the world once in a millennium as I said before. It is really special, because this moonlight will reach every corner of the world, even the most darkest places in this world. Whole world will bath in this Infinity moonlight on that day. It will have only night, it won't have a daytime. It is the day only have a night time with Infinity Moon."

"But, the most special thing is, there is a one and only place that moonlight can't reach. That place is in this moonlight forest. That's the place you were born."

"Why am I suppose to born in that place?" I asked curiously. 

"Legend says, extreme energy of Yin and Yang will gather The Ying Zi  place, that place called as Ying Zi  (The shadow) since Infinity Moonlight can't reach. So the extreme energy of Yin and Yang will represent energy of the moon and sun, and they will give a birth to a child with special power. And that child is you, My Lord." Yewan said.

I don't know what to believe. But, I felt like He was telling truth. I felt I trust him, like a close friend.

"Can you bring me to The Ying zi  place?" I asked. 

"Sure, My Lord. I will bring you there in this evening." Yewan said. "Let's have a meal now." He poured two bowls of soup while talking.

There was a wooden bench and a table beside the cooking place. We sat down there and drank soup silently. There were thousands of things that I wanted ask from him. But I wanted to keep silent to think about the story of my birth he told.

Because of the story I've heard I forgot to ask who brought me to this forest, and was that a human or an animal? But suddenly, while drinking the soup I noticed Yewan's eyes aren't normal. Instead of black iris he had silver iris which almost looked like silver flames than iris. For a one second thought I really thought it was silver flames.

"Wait.. Long Yewan...? Yewan, can stands for night, then if Long stands for dragon. He might be a dragon..! Dragon of the night...! Yes! He must be a dragon. That's how I was dragged through the air all the way. No way!!" I argued with myself a little and decide he must be the long black shadow who attacked me through the mist. 

"You are The black dragon who brought me here?" I said in doubtful voice.

"Yes, My Lord! I am the dragon of the night." He said.

"Why did you brought me here?" I asked while already knowing the answer.

"I had to do so. Because this is the place you lived before you vanished." He replied.

"I was vanished." that was unexpected part of his answer, "Why would I?" I thought.

"The old master will meet us within two days. He knows the most of answers for your questions." Yewan said like he could see through my mind.

Time pass slowly. Yewan was cleaning the cottage whole day. I did help him a bit and asked for a walk around the forest near the cottage.

I walked into the forest behind the cottage. Surprisingly  I found a little garden with a pond and a pagoda which was middle of the pond. The was abandoned like the cottage. Pagoda was old, abandoned but looked so strong and it wasn't damage either. 

I took few steps to get more closer to it. It had name board, which said "Yin Yang" . This place must be called by that name. The floor was designed with black and white marbles, which was patterned as symbol of Yin Yang.

I entered the pagoda. As soon as my foot touched the floor of pagoda, I felt dizzy and I grabbed a wooden pole near me. Memories was fighting with each other for pop up inside my head. And I saw some memories which confused me. 

End of Hao's pov


See you soon...

Let's peek into the memory of Hao's past through the next part.

What was happening to Jun will be reveal in the part after the next one. 

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