PART 10.

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you couldn't get your mind off of the moment that happened a few days ago, when chishiya was holding your hand. the way he squeezed your hand ever so slightly. the way he let you brush your fingers over his. you laid in your bed with mixed emotions. you were glad you figured out that he somewhat didn't really mind being around you, but you wondered if him holding your hand meant something more. you thought you figured out how he felt about you, but now you were curious. why did he hold your hand back? why did he hold it back so randomly? that wasn't a chishiya thing to do. sure, he smiled back and got closer, and you know that he doesn't hate you, but did he do it out of pity or did he really mean it? you didn't know if you were exaggerating about the situation or if it was really something to worry about.

chishiya was indescribable. you couldn't tell his emotions because he barely showed any. you would've thought that by now you could tell his emotions, (especially when the two of you held hands) but you still couldn't. the man was unreadable, indecipherable. you felt like you didn't know anything about him.

there were still some things you did know about the man. like how he smirks whenever he's teasing you, or how he embraces the calm silence the two of you always encounter. if you think about it, you did know lots of things about chishiya. it was just the little things though, but in a way that mattered. you saw the little things that no one else did.

if you were going to keep on having these thoughts, it was best for you to probably head up to the roof. the roof had fresh air to get a clear mindset and get a new perspective on your current thoughts.
you opened the door to the roof and there you see that hooded man again. the man who has always been on your mind. you honestly weren't surprised. you headed over to him and sat down. again, maybe if you just talked to him all your questions would be answered.

" hi, " you utter.

he looks over at you and smirks a bit. " hi. "

you smile back at him. this smirk seemed different. it had a hint of sincerity in it and you could tell from the way he looked at you too. there seems to be a lot of that lately.

" we seem to be meeting up at this same spot very frequently. " you say.

he nodded silently.

you didn't want to waste any time, so you thought of something to ask him quickly. " uh, why are you up here? "

" why are you? " he says, returning the question. he just seems to love to do that.

you say, " the same reason i'm always up here. thinking. "

" you seem to do a lot of that, " he chuckles.

" so do you, " you say, smiling at him.

and there was that relaxing silence that always came when the two of you both spoke to each other. your thoughts were still in scrambles, but you couldn't help but just linger in the silence and enjoy the amazing view presented in front of you. it was afternoon, and the sun was setting. the color of the sky was in many different colors. blue, yellow, pink, orange, which made the scene all the much better. you could see all the deteriorating buildings laid out in front of you. plants covered almost every part of them. this was somewhat a beautiful sight to you.

the silence soon starts to wear out and you felt the need to ask another question to the blonde. "chishiya, how do you feel about me? " you nervously ask.

he looks at you and laughs slightly. " i don't know. i do know that i can tolerate you. "

this man could never give clear answers. he always has to answer things in riddles.

" why do you ask? " he says.

" i just wanna know. i mean, i know how i feel about you, " you say back.

" how do you feel about me? " he asks.

you knew exactly how to answer that. " i like you. i like to be around you. "

he, of course, isn't surprised. the fact that you have been hanging around him almost all the time at the beach may have hinted at that.

" interesting. we've only known each other for a few days, and you gathered an interest around me? " he teases.

" i guess. hopefully this isn't weird now, " you say, embarrassed.

" it's okay. maybe i have too. " he says.

what? what does he mean by that? does he reciprocate your interest? you were confused. what could he have meant by that? you didn't know how to feel about that. you couldn't decide if you were happy or confused about the situation.

" what? " you ask, trying to learn more.

" i like hanging around you too, " he says.

it wasn't the answer you expected or were looking for, but it was still a good answer. this answer actually answered one of the questions you were thinking about earlier. he did like you. that meant he liked your company and he enjoyed the conversations the two of you had. he liked the meetings the both of you have on the rooftop. he liked speaking about different things with you. you don't know if he said that out of pity, but his words seemed sincere. either way, chishiya shared something with you that he wouldn't share with anyone else. this wasn't a chishiya thing of him to do, but he did it. this could even mean that he trusts you enough for him to tell stuff to you like that.

you felt another urge to do something unexpected. you slowly scooted closer to chishiya and laid your head on his shoulder. his soft hoodie brushed your face ever so slightly, and it felt nice. it felt safe. the position you were in was comfortable. you then intertwined your hands with his again. there was that comforting feel. that feel you felt when you held his hand for the first time. this one felt more special than the first. just the view of the sun setting and the abandoned buildings made it seem more enjoyable. chishiya seemed to have enjoyed the moment too, since he held your hand back. you liked chishiya and he liked you.

" comfy? " he chuckles.

" very. " you say as you smile and embrace the moment.

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