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as you enter the floor, you see a big screen saying "GAME START. " the floor was an abandoned office room filled with desks and many pillars. it was very small and there was a door across, to the left and right of you.

your heartbeat quickened as you noticed the hunter bursting through the door across from you. you run and quickly find a hiding spot and see how some nervous players didn't move. you quickly look for chishiya. where is he? wasn't he just behind you? is he okay?

your thoughts were suddenly interrupted as the hunter started firing gunshots. you hide behind a tall pillar while you scan your surroundings for something that can help you throughout the game.

a sign on your right says that this floor is one out of three. that meant you needed to get through two levels of the building in order to successfully clear the game. you peeked your head out of the pillar as you see numerous amounts of people running the opposite way of the hunter. you see that the hunter had already got some people. they laid flat, covered in their own blood. you think how these people didn't even know if they would've died during todays game. these people died without knowing they would. the thought of just dying alone made you scared. hopefully this wouldn't happen to you..or a matter a fact hopefully this wouldn't happen to chishiya. you were worried about him, but you knew he was smart. you knew he could handle himself.

" 5 MORE MINUTES UNTIL THE FLOOR IS BOMBED, " you hear your phone say.

you see that the door on your left was slightly left open. you could see that a group of stairs were inside the door. you quickly dashed over and opened the door that led to the next floor. the hunter was too busy circling a group of people to focus on you. it was unlikely those group of people would survive. you run up the stairs and open a door which probably led to the second floor. you shut it closed as you enter the room.

you look at the people on the floor and examine them. there were many people on the next floor, but you were looking for one person in particular, but he seems no where to be found.

there was only 1 minute left until the floor was bombed. you were worried that chishiya wouldn't have made it, but you heard the door open. you flipped your head around and there he was. his hood was up and he had a meaningless expression on his face. he didn't seem to be hurt and you were glad.

you call out his name. " chishiya! im glad your safe. "

he glances over at you and sighs. " worry about yourself. "

what? you thought you and him were finally on the way to becoming friends, and possibly something more now that you have progress. why is he now suddenly avoiding you again? did you do something wrong? you finally had an actual conversation with him. a sincere conversation with him where maybe his words were genuine and true. but now, it's like you've started at phase 1 again.


chishiya had already disappeared into a small corner, while you were still stuck frozen wondering why he was avoiding you. the hunter was seconds away from you, when you finally shook yourself out of your thoughts. this was the last floor. you refuse to die in such a easy game. you quickly rush to a desk nearby and you try and searching for the last staircase.

you could see that the hunter quickly turned your way, trying to aim his gun at you. you peeked out of your hiding spot a bit and you see the staircase was just across from you. if you could just sneak past the hunter and run from him you could make it to the staircase safely. it would take a lot of effort, but you had to run.


you had to work your plan now. you swiftly ran from the hunter as he already found you. you didn't look back, but you could tell he was behind you, chasing you. he was fast, but you were faster. as soon as you thought you were safe, a sharp pain hit your hip. you look down to see the hunter had shot your hip. your shirt was soaked in the dark red blood. the pain ached, but you had to keep going. you ran quickly, hoping that the pain would go away if you ran faster.

you finally reached the staircase going to the next floor. you looked back to see if the hunter was still chasing you. he seems to have lost sight of you. you crawled up the stairs as you hear the screams of others, begging for help. you closed the door shut as you finally reached the next floor. you could see that chishiya and many others had already made it. he was looking at your wound, then looked back at you. you just looked back at him with a tired gaze.


others quickly ran to the elevator as chishiya just kept on looking at you. you felt like you were about to faint.

he says, " the hunter shot you. "

" yes, he did, " you say, in hopes the conversation would decrease the pain.

he walks towards you and puts your arm around his shoulder. he didn't say anything but just help you. he walked you over to the elevator and went inside. the pain slowly decreased when he helped you. you felt safer in his arms.

" be less careless the next time before you get shot. " he says.

even though that wasn't very sympathetic, he had still seemed to care. you exit out of the building together and enter the car that was in front of the office area.

the car ride was silent, but you still enjoyed it. you were with chishiya, and you were glad he wasn't ignoring you anymore. even though you didn't know why he was, you're just glad he stopped.

the car finally arrived at the beach and you see kuina waiting there for the both of you.

she noticed your wound and she quickly ran up to you and gave you a tight hug. "oh my god! you're hurt!"

you reply hugging her back, " yes, but i'll be fine. at least we both made it out alive. "

kuina sighs and takes you up to your room. as you look back, chishiya waved at you with that smirk. kuina was scolding you, but all you could think about was chishiya. you may have been hurt, but at least some things were resolved.

[ DIAMONDS. ] s. chishiyaWhere stories live. Discover now