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you woke up in the messy room you were just in yesterday. kuina is lying down in a weird, spread out position on the floor, asleep and slightly snoring. you chuckle at the sight of your friend. some of the cards from the game you two were playing are scattered around the carpeted floor and you notice her drink spilled all over the place. various snacks were also mixed with the spilled drink, and it came out to be a terrible smell. you take the cards off of the floor and look for something to clean the drink-snack concoction. for some reason, kuina did not have towels in her room, so you headed out of the room to look for some.

the sun was out already, and quite few people in the beach were awake. the sun shone brightly from the windows and made the buildings look like they were sparkling. you embraced the sunlight coming out from the window as it's warmth caressed your face. while you walked down the hall, you remembered the promise you made to yourself about chishiya, and how you were going to make it your goal to try and talk to him. you smiled at the thought of it. you thought of chishiya and how he barely spoke a word during your conversation. you wanted to try again to talk to him today. hopefully he would have more than one word to say.

you wandered around the halls for quite a long time until the hallway ended and you were met with a group of stairs leading to the second floor of the beach. you decided to go down these stairs, and fortunately, there was a pile of napkins on the table, similarly scattered around like the cards in kuina's room. you took a few so you can clean up the drink even though it probably dried up by now. you hear footsteps coming from your left and you turned your head around to see who it was.

the person came more in view, and you realized it was the blonde you were just thinking about. it's almost as if he had read your mind. he had his hood up and his eyes were tired, and also had a bit of eyeliner on? he was looking directly at you, with that smirk and a stare that was unreadable. he stuck his hand up to wave at you, and you didn't know if you should've waved back. all you could think of was that this was your chance to talk to him and start up a conversation. you stuffed the napkins messily into your pocket and walked towards him.

for a couple of seconds you didn't say anything and just look directly in his direction. you swallowed a cough and managed to say, " good morning, chishiya. "

he looked at you with a nod and suprisingly replied, " good morning, " it took him a moment to say the next words, but he finally spit it out and said, " why are you up so early? "

you couldn't believe it. he actually spoke up! you realize though that he's been teasing you. he didn't talk to you before, but now he has the urge to speak up and have manners? you didn't' even think he would have replied after the events of yesterday. he even asked you a question!

you knew the both of you never spoke to each other until yesterday, but a part of you felt like this was something in to becoming friends with him. it was definitely not progress, but it was something similar to the words. a starting point, maybe?

you didn't know if you wanted to tease him back and not answer him or reply to the question. you decided to just reply with whatever you came up with. unfortunately, you weren't as confident with your answer. "kuina made a mess back in the rooms, and i.. uhm wanted to clean it up. "

he chuckled at your reply.

" what are you doing up early? " you ask.

" i don't know. you like to ask questions, don't you?"he responds with a smirk.

you avoided his question, and instead, you say, " i feel like we have never talked before. we do see each other a lot, considering you hang out with kuina. "

chishiya, now focused on something else in the room, says, " i guess we haven't. "

" so..maybe we should talk more? i mean, it would make sense. " hopefully this plan of your works.

he looked back at you and stared at you for a couple of seconds. he then questions, "what are you trying to do? are you trying to be friends with me?"

of course he notices. i mean, it's not like you've been completely vague about it. this is the second day of your "plan" and you already sort of messed it up. you didn't know what to say, so you just said what came to mind.

"i guess? i mean, why not? you seem..lonely?" you say.

he scoffs at your words and starts heading out. "it's been nice to talking to you," he says. you watch as his figure gets farther and farther away. more people flood the halls as soon as he leaves and you yourself head back to kuina's room.

you walk back from the same staircase you took. during your walk, you think. through that whole conversation, you couldn't tell what was chishiya's motives. was he genuinely trying to talk to you, or was he just messing around? there were hints of sincerity in his words, but you couldn't just quite place where. of course, this left you with more curiosity than ever before. you were even more set on striking conversation with him now you know he can actually talk. the more chishiya talks, the more questions he leaves for you.

even though you wanted to try having another conversation with him, you didn't know if it would be a good idea. you just didn't know what to do now. you didn't know what to do in order to go forward with your plan. you had mixed feelings of confusion and curiosity. you might as well postpone the plan since it isn't really going forward.

you head into kuina's room and she seemed to already be awake. she greets you good morning, and you hand her the napkins. you tell her that you were going to take a walk to clear your head, and that you'll talk to her later.

you really needed something for you to focus on other than chishiya.

[ DIAMONDS. ] s. chishiyaWhere stories live. Discover now