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chishiya finally figured out the solution to the problem he hated so much. the problem with the girl. he realized why he spent so much time with the girl. he realized why he cared and thought of the girl. it was because he had taken a interest in her. a romantic interest in her.

although he found out the solution, he didn't care for it. in fact, he didn't like the solution to the problem. he absolutely dreaded it. never in his life would he have thought to befriend someone, especially her. let alone have romantic feelings for them. his heart slightly ached whenever he saw her, and he didn't know if he liked it or not. feelings like this were considered a weakness, and he didn't want to have them. he had learnt to avoid people throughout his life, because there was never really a purpose in life to him. there was nothing for him to do in it, and that's why he liked the borderlands.

these feelings have already gotten in the way of many of chishiya's things. he couldn't go through with his plans, he couldn't play the games correctly. there wasn't anything he could do anymore without the girl being there or without thinking about her. he couldn't even be at the roof, which was chishiya's place to think. the girl was always up there when he went. it apparently belonged to him and the girl now. chishiya tried his best to stop being distracted by the girl, but nothing has worked. he had tried to let her down slowly, which hadn't worked either. he even let his guard down and let the girl hold his hand, and for some reason, he held it back. if he was being honest, he was very stressed about the situation. the next thing he has to find out is how to get rid of those feelings.

today was one of the many days at the beach where kuina hung around chishiya. he was trying to fix another gadget he created, while kuina talked about different things. today he didn't mind it as much since he already had a lot of stuff on his plate. the girl wasn't with them, though. probably still sleeping or playing another game. one part of chishiya was glad that the girl wasn't there. he could focus on other things and be productive. the other part of him though thought about her. somewhere where he feels, he wanted the girl to be right there with him. somewhere in his feelings, there was a part that liked her. he wanted her to sit with him and try to talk to him. he wanted her to smile at him and for him to smile back. maybe it's because he's gotten so used to being with her.

either way, still nothing was going to get done.

" chishiya, i'm soo bored! " kuina says.

" you always are whenever you come to my room. " he says. kuina was good company to have around, but sometimes she was a little too much.

chishiya again couldn't focus on the gadget he was making. kuina's whining didn't help that either when the girl kept on reentering his mind no matter what.

for a little while, it was silent, and chishiya appreciated that. but, out of the blue, kuina speaks up. " chishiya, do you not like [NAME]? " she questions.

see, chishiya couldn't answer that question. he didn't know if he did not like her or not as a person. he didn't like how the thought of her distracted him every chance it could get, and how much space she takes up in his head. but something told him that he liked spending time with her. he liked the fact that he was able to hold her hand. he sort of liked how he held her hand back. it was very complicated.

" i don't mind her. she's fine. " he says, not speaking the truth.

" you always seem to be bothered by her though, or at least from what i heard you always end up teasing her. " kuina says.

one part tells him that's because he doesn't want to be around her because her presence is annoying, but another part tells him that he does it because he avoids her because of the way she makes him feel. he didn't need these questions right now.

" i do it because she's annoying, " he sighs.

" so you do not like her? " kuina asks.

" it's not that, it's just.. " he couldn't put the right words to it. he didn't know how. " ..she distracts me."

kuina laughs, " distracts? how? "

chishiya thought about the answer for a while, and he says, "i can never focus on anything when i'm around her. she's somewhat, intriguing. " chishiya hated to admit it out loud, but it was true. she intrigued him.

" tell me more. " kuina says.

it would probably be a bad idea to tell kuina this since she's so close with the girl, but chishiya at this point didn't care. he faced kuina and said, " i don't know. it's like whenever im around her i get annoyed by her and want her to leave, but some part of me wants her to stay. it's confusing. "

" oh my god! chishiya, you like her. " kuina says, surprised.

how could she possibly know? he wasn't at all obvious from what he saw. it was terrible hearing it from someone else. he had to lie himself out of it.

" no, i don't. i just find it interesting how someone like her can be so annoying. " he says.

" chishiya, it's okay to admit it. " kuina giggles. "there's nothing wrong with having a little crush."

chishiya hated this. kuina, somehow found out about his little interest in the girl and now she's teasing him. kuina probably would even tell the girl now.

chishiya sighed and just focused on his gadget. now he did mind kuina being there in his space. there was too much going on and he was just confused.

now he has more problems to fix.

( might rewrite this one! )

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