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kuina ended up going through with the plan of hanging out with chishiya and you. it seemed as if your conversation a couple of days ago sparked some ideas in her head. you thought that she wasn't serious about the idea, but either way you thought that it would still be fun.

you were already in front of kuina's room and you opened the door. there were three pillows laid on the floor and a couple of drinks. chishiya already was there and kuina was arguing with him about who knows what. he seemed to not be listening to her and just focusing on something else.

kuina noticed you entered and completely forgot about the argument she was having with chishiya. chishiya sighed in annoyance and kuina jumps up to hug you. " i'm so glad you could make it! "

chishiya briefly glanced at you with a smirk and wave. you could feel your heart flutter by the second. you were glad to see him safe after the game. you took a seat beside kuina.

" okay, so i have chips, candies, and crackers just in case we get hungry..and i have a couple of games, monopoly, connect 4, life the game.." kuina says as she grabs a couple items behind her.

chishiya picked up the game boxes and examined them closely. " you really enjoy playing this? these are children games." he says.

" i guess? it's not even that bad chishiya! plus, it doesn't matter if it's a kids game! you've just never played a real game, that's why chishiya! " kuina huffs and looks away.

kuina then started to shove whatever game box she found in his face, trying to explain why the various games are so good.

" this game literally is about MONEY! you can steal other peoples properties and become the richest.." she says as she lists more reasons on why the game she has in her hands is such so good in her eyes.

chishiya just plainly looked at her with another unintelligible look. it was exactly as you expected it, and the situation made you laugh. kuina would make chishiya annoyed and she'll keep annoying him until it was over.

" you know what! fine. i'll go downstairs trying to find another game for us to play. something preferably chishiya would like, since he's so picky!" she says surprisingly as she rolls her eyes. you thought the argument would've gone on for quite a bit longer. kuina did not seem like the type to give up.

kuina leaves the room and it was just you and chishiya. the thought of just the two of you alone gave you butterflies in your stomach, and your thoughts went back to that certain dream you had. you looked at him while his eyes were focused on something else. you admired his blonde hair that almost looked just like snow. his white hoodie that never got dirty, dark, unreadable eyes that you could get lost in. to you, he seemed perfect.

" are you just going to keep staring? you look stupid," chishiya says, ruining the moment.

now noticing you've been staring for too long, you say, " oh, sorry. "

he glanced at you for a bit and asked, " how's your wound? "

you put your hand over where the wound was. it still hurt, but it definitely was getting better. " it's not getting any worse, thankfully, " you smile.

" that's good, " he said quietly. the look in his eyes were sincere. you moved a bit closer to him.

"what about you? are you okay? i was really worried about you. " you say, bombarding him with questions.

" i'm fine. no scars or anything. " he said while reaching his arms out to show his point. "like i said, look out for yourself. if you did, maybe you wouldn't have that scar on your hip, " he says, pointing his finger at your bandaged waist.

the words sounded harsh. almost as if he didn't care about your sympathy, but you have now learned that it was him showing that he cared. he cared that you had a wound on your hip. if he didn't, he'd have probably not answered at all.

for some reason, something compelled you to take his finger and intertwine your hand with his. it could've been your dream that caused this. where you dreamt about holding his hand and caressing his face, or it could have just been your stupidness and impulsiveness that lead you to this stupid decision. it might've been a big step in your plan, but now or never. you held his hand, and surprisingly, he didn't mind, or care but the grip was loose. he just sat there, looking at his hand that was now holding yours. his hand was soft, like he took care of it, and it wasn't warm, it was more of a cold feeling. his hand almost felt empty and numb, but there was still something there. it didn't feel like you expected it to be in your dreams, but you didn't care. you actually liked how it was different. you enjoyed holding his hand. you enjoyed being with him.

soon after, his grip tightened, and he was holding your hand back. the touch wasn't much of a change, but still he reciprocated the touch, and you felt even more happy. there was a chance that chishiya did maybe have feelings for you too. you gently caressed his thumb with your finger. he didn't seem to mind that you did this either. you liked that the two of you just sat there, being in each others presence. most of your interactions with him have been like this. just pure silence, and you didn't mind it at all. you realized this is how chishiya liked to spend time with you. he liked being with you, but he didn't like talking much. he just enjoyed being with you in silence.

you looked at him smiling slightly, and he slowly smiled back. the two of you got slightly closer, but then the two of you was interrupted by the sound of the door slamming open.

" chishiya, does this make you happy? boring chess and card games?? " she says, harshly.

chishiya completely disregarding the situation from before says, " yes, it does. thank you kuina. let's play."

kuina sits down on the floor next to the two of you. you realized that he has let go of your hand, but like many times before, you didn't care. you were just happy that he allowed you to have one small intimate moment with him. the three of you ended up playing games until you decided to leave. you said your goodbyes, and left the room.

as you started walking back to your room, you think about chishiya, and how your plan was finally working. you think how he held your hand back.

maybe you finally figured out how he felt about you.

[ DIAMONDS. ] s. chishiyaWhere stories live. Discover now