Hilda noticed her daughter's struggle. "Do you know his favorite color?" She was about to answer, but shook her head. "Hmm, well let's try this way. Close your eyes." Lexus frowned at her mother's request, "Go on, close them." The girl sighed and did as her mother told.

"Now, what color do you see when you think of your father?" She asked.

"..Red, like his Chocobo Ferris." Lexus answered, still confused where her mother was going with this.

"And Roland, what color does he make you think of?"

"Uhh... Oh, blue! The sign at his work is blue, so I think of that for Uncle Roland." Lexus smiled, remembering the first time she saw those bright lights.

Hilda chuckled, "Now, think of your time with the boy, Ignis. What color does he make you think of? Maybe his brown hair?" Lexus shook her head. "Maybe black, with the amount on his clothing?" She shook her head again, her eyes closed tightly trying to see a color.

Though she sighed, opening them. "I don't see any color."

Hilda put a hand on her shoulder, "Well, how about thinking over the color? Don't want to rush good art, right?"

"Yea, your right." Lexus agreed, going to her bed and crawling under the covers.

Hilda stood from the desk, walking over to kiss her daughter's head. "Sleep well, Lexus." She turned and shut the light off, letting the lamp by her bed engulf the room in some golden light. She wasn't all that scared of the darkness, but Hilda did it just in case.

Lexus sighed, and turned to one side of her bed staring at the cloth that sat at her desk. A small smile was shown as her eyes closed to drift into dreamland.


Few days past, and it was the day before the race. Lexus was with her father, watching as he helped set the gates up for the race track. From what she remembered her father told her, the race would be taken place starting here, and through the roads of Insomnia. It might cause traffic, but looking up at the highways made her think differently. She sighed, Lexus was bored as she sitting on a higher wall by the Calex Velum. She kicked her legs, looking around seeing people watch behind the work gates. She heard them talk about the race, they looked excited making her smile. Lexus turned toward the building, clapping excitedly to herself.

"Daddy's gonna wipe the floor of those other racers, and be more famous than the king himself." She told herself, grinning ear to ear.

"That so?"

Lexus jumped at the voice and looked down behind her finding Ignis staring up at her. "Ah! Ignis! I found yo- woah, woah!"

It was then Ignis realized she was losing balance to fall backwards off the wall. Before he could move, she fell backwards crashing right on top of the boy. With groans of pain, she got off finding she landed on his back as he laid on the pavement in pain. Lexus gasped, she got off and shook his shoulder.

"I'm so sorry! Are you alright? Ignis?"

"Ahh..." He groaned sitting up, rubbing his back. "Just some bruises."

Lexus gave a good look at him, he looked over noticing she was staring closely at his face. "Oh no!" She cried, and covered her mouth seeing she made him jump. "Your glasses, where did they go?"

Glasses? Oh no! She was so close he hadn't noticed a difference in his eye sight. Ignis got to his knees and looked around for any dark frames on the cement. Lexus went to work looking around, hoping they didn't get broken or lost.

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