Chapter 21 - Plan B

Start from the beginning

" I will give you a chance, tell me where your friends are. I may let you live. " said Zy

" If I tell you, they will kill me. " Wayne replied

" I guess I don't have a choice " she was about to shoot Wayne

" Ok ok.... I will tell you. They are hiding in there. " he pointed to a tall building

" Do they have weapons ? " asked Zy

" Not that I know off. " Wayne replied

" Search the Skeel building " she took a radio from the jeep

" It is almost dark; they are going nowhere. There's no time for that..... Over " Zy told Ron

" What about you..... Over ? " asked Ron

" Don't worry about me....." said Zy

The vehicles turned around and went to the building. They reached the building in less than 10 minutes

She pulled out the radio and turned it on " Report "

" We surrounded the building, covering all exits." They heard voices from the other side.

" Take 'em, I just need one alive. " Zy gave the order, Wayne was still at her gun point.

" There isn't anyone here." said the voice on the opposite side after about 5 minutes

" Check every room, don't miss a spot " Zy told them

" Where are they hiding? " She armed the gun

" Where is who?" Wayne was looking down at the ground and raised his head when he heard the question.

" ENOUGH .........!!! Tell me where your friends are." she screamed at Wayne.

Wayne looked at her with a smile on his face, a mean smile, " your plan was good, but it wasn't perfect. There was one mistake, just one. You thought I had friends "

" Don't try more stupid tricks. " Zy hot him in the face.

Suddenly, she overheard Wayne speaking and he wasn't speaking to her.

" WHO IS THAT ...... !!! " She shouted

She took the earpieces from Wayne " who are you ? I have your guy here. If you hurt my people, I will kill him "

But there was no response

" Hold on " He leaned over to the jeep.

" Call them " Wayne told Zy

She grabbed the radio and tried to contact her guys. " Ron....respond... This is Zy... Over "

But there was no answer, she attempted to contact the others but the result was the same. NOVA knew exactly what Wayne was doing. Using three drones, she knocked out everybody in the building.

She couldn't figure out what was going on. She stood there speechless, frustrated.

He knew what was coming. " If you pull the trigger, that'll be the last thing you ever do. If you shoot me, you'll die too. Why don't you lower your weapon "

" I don't care " she was going to shoot Wayne in the head. But before she was able to pull that trigger, NOVA knocked her out. She fell to the ground unconscious. He picked up the earpieces.

" Good timing " said Wayne

" Thank you Captain " NOVA replied

Minutes after Zy heard a fainted voice

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