Moving forward

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Crystal Pov

We arrived at brunch greeting the rest of the cast. Everything went smoothly we talked, laughed, and talked some more. It was truly a great time. The brunch was coming to an end so we said our goodbyes and we all went our separate ways. Of course Devale was with me, while at brunch he booked himself a flight. Coincidentally he found a seat on the same flight I was on and just so happens it was right next to me. So off we were Atlanta here we come. Plane ride was smooth I mostly slept the whole way through every now and then I would wake up to check on devale. Every time he would squeeze my hand to let me know he was okay an instruct me to return to my slumber. Finally we landed back in the "A" it felt so good to be home again. We got off the plane collected our luggage an got into the car that was awaiting to take us to my place.

In the car :
C : so how are you feeling
D: I'm okay you know you don't have to keep checking on me
C: I know but -
D: you're worried (interrupting her)
C: I just want to make sure that you are okay
D: I'm fine matter fact I'm better than fine
C: oh and why is that
D: because I'm with you (placing his hand on her thigh)
C: okay FRIEND remember ....
D: yea friend ...

His words made me blush and feel butterflies all over. This whole "friend" act was really hard. I wanted to be there for him but I wanted him even more and having to ignore his advances was weighing on me. Let's be honest he didn't need to be with anyone right now I mean he just found out his wife was cheating on him an had been for a long time which resulted in her being pregnant with a baby that could or could not be his. That's a lot for anyone and I don't want to end up with my heart broken because things happened too soon. So I have to control myself until further notice. When we reached my house Devale unloaded our luggage while I went to unlock the door he tipped the driver and came on inside. When we got inside he grabbed my wrist and stared deep into my eyes.

D: Crystal can we sit down an talk for a minute
C: umm sure
D: so considering everything that has transpired I really appreciate you for letting me stay here until I can find an apartment in the area. I've made the decision that I want to give khadeen her space so tomorrow I'm filing for divorce. And before you ask me am I making the right decision... yes I am. I've gave it a little thought and it's just better for the both of us to part ways.
C: D are you sure I mean it literally did just happen I mean how will the media react to this
D: I don't give a damn imma tell them the truth she's the one in the wrong not me
C: yea you're right but-
D: but nothing (cutting her off) crys look at me I'm sure okay (gazing into her eyes)
C: okay if you're 100% sure then I will stand by you in your decision
D: thank you
C: you're welcome now let's go get some sleep

We both picked ourselves up and headed up the stairs. When we reached the top of the stairs Devale tried to come into my room. I then had to remind him that I'm doing this as a FRIEND nothing more nothing less. I have to set this boundary to protect me more so not him.

The next couple of weeks were okay. It seemed like the days were becoming longer. Devale held onto his word and filed for divorce. The media caught ahold to the story and blasted it all over every tea page. For the most part everyone seemed to be on Devale's side but there were a couple of people who thought Devale was wrong for divorcing his pregnant wife in spite of her affair but it didn't seem to faze him. His apartment hunt has been going fairly well he found one not too far from my house now he's just waiting for the people to call him and say he got approved. Him and Khadeen's sit down is coming up in a few days he wants me to come with him but I don't think that's a good idea. I've tried to tell him ample times that I don't feel comfortable going but his stubborn persuasiveness swayed me to feel otherwise.

Devale's POV

These past few weeks with Crystal have been amazing in my opinion. It's kind of funny watching her put on this whole "friend" act with me. Even my advances which I have been throwing a lot she seems to ignore. After a while I stopped. I got approved for my apartment and I'm all moved in. I had my belongings shipped from New York to Atlanta everything was going smoothly. But today is the day that me and Khadeen sit down to finalize everything. After a little begging I'm glad Crystal is coming along with me I really need her here. This is the first time that I'm actually seeing Khadeen since the fiasco in Vegas. I don't know how I will react whether I'll want to cry or slap her silly. I just need a support system. Crystal and I arrive at the place and I'm sweating bullets.
C: omg D calm down please
D: I'm trying idk it's just a lot of emotions coming at one time
C: I understand hey hey hey look at me just breathe
D: ( still struggling)
She grabbed my face and moved it to where I was staring her in the eyes
C: D listen to me you got this whenever you feel yourself getting overwhelmed close your eyes and breathe and remember this.

She pressed her body against mine and gave me a long passionate hug which turned into a kiss
C: okay you good now (breaking the kiss)
D: yea I'm good
C: okay let's go in here and let's do this.. you ready?
D: yea I'm ready
C: I'm sorry what you said
D: we doing this right now really
C: (pressing her hand against her ear)
D: uhhhhhh (in frustration) I said IM READY
C: okay that's better now come on

We walk into the office and are greeted by my lawyer. He then informs me that Khadeen and her lawyer are waiting for me. Crystal gives us the go ahead but my lawyer instructs her  to come with us. I am a little taken aback why my lawyer was so adamant about Crystal being in the meeting but when we reached the room I could see why.

Authors Note
Who do you think was in the room??
How y'all feeling about Crystal and Devale at this point in time??
Let me know your thoughts 🥰
Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter 😘

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