Chapter 90

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Chapter 90

Rhys never came down that day. Or the next. Arwen didn't know whether she was glad about the fact or not. Feyre returned with Cassian to the House of Wind but Elain elected to remain at the town house. Taking the opportunity when Azriel was busy bathing, Arwen joined Elain in tending to the garden.

Well... She looked at the flowers. Arwen wasn't exactly sure she could tell dirt from fertiliser.

Elain's face had betrayed her shock when Arwen approached her, quickly asking if there was anything she needed. "I would just like to talk," Arwen assured her, her own stomach unsettled at the situation. Elain continued to grip her small shovel, dirt crusted under her nails, like a weapon. "I'm sure you've heard that Rhys and Feyre are building an estate. It will be their private residence."

"Yes." She looked away. "It's all a very exciting prospect, isn't it." It didn't sound as though Elain agreed with that observation.

Arwen jumped right to her point. "You're more than welcome to remain here once they move out."

Elain's plump lips parted. Her cheeks had tints of red from being under the sun for so long. "Oh," she breathed. "I'm... Not sure what I will be doing. But thank you."

"Of course." Arwen smiled. "It isn't house arrest, just an offer of an open door. If you see Nesta, tell her that the door is also open for her as well." She doubted the eldest Archeron would ever return to the town house willingly again, but it felt right to at least offer it. "I promise my brother won't hunt her down."

Elain fiddled with her garden tool. "I don't think she'll take accept. She doesn't really listen to any of us these days."

"Just let her know then." Arwen paused but knew she had to continue. "You should know that Azriel will be here more often with me. I'm happy for you to be around each other, but I thought you should consider that before you decide to stay or not. If you're alright being around him. And me." Elain said nothing, frowning at the space between them. Arwen pulled at the light sleeves of her dress. "Fae senses are strong," she spat out. "You'll... smell things. Know things that you might wish you didn't."

Elain nodded. "I can sense the bond between you."

"Yes, the bond." Damn Azriel, putting her mind in filthy places. "I won't assume what you can and cannot handle. The decision is yours. There are plenty of rooms in the House of Wind, but you'll need an escort any time you intend to leave unless you want to go up and down those stairs. And trust me," she chuckled, "you don't want to."

Elain gave a small laugh. "No."

Arwen smiled and gave a small nod of farewell, wandering back into the town house. Nuala and Cerridwen were both in the kitchen, cooking up a marvellously smelling lunch. Arwen grinned, hovering over them, thrilled to know that she would be eating more than her fair share and keeping it down.

Azriel entered, laughing as she stood between the wraiths. "Let them work in peace, Arwen." He pulled her out of the kitchen. "How was your talk with Elain?"

"Productive," she decided. "Sort of. She didn't seem eager at the idea, especially when I brought you up." Arwen twisted her hands by her stomach. "I extended the offer to Nesta too. I don't think she will accept and neither does Elain but..."

His arm settled around her waist as they stood in the windowed alcove that overlooked the quiet street. "You're Arwen," he finished off, though it wasn't exactly the phrase she was thinking and gave him an odd look for it. Azriel smiled down at her. "You forgive."

Arwen pursed her lips. "Perhaps I will learn how to hold grudges longer if you all think I'm a pushover."

He laughed, the sound beautifully light. "Pushover isn't the word I'd use."

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