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Risa mostly kept quiet and reads a book. She does look at him sometimes. I'm glad to see you take school seriously. Just like your promise not to leave my room. 

'I know you're looking at me.' Shu puts his pen down and turns at her. 'Surprised to see me doing homework?' 

'Yes,' she reacts bluntly with a smile. 'What was the moment you realized that things had to change?' 

He moves his books away and stretches. 'You happened, Risa. What you said in the backyard got me. If I want to leave this place, I need to find a job while you stay home with him. I might have been passive for a long period of my life, I'm not stupid.' He goes closer. 'My trust funds will get us far and buy a house, however, to provide for both of you, I need a job. And to get a job, I need a diploma.' 

She nods agreeing. 'Do you know I'm lying to the others about Daiki? We know the truth, but Reiji still wants me to do the DNA test.' She feels a weight on top of her and looks down. 

Where Shu puts his head on her flat stomach. 'I can hear your heartbeat.' He closes his eyes to listen. 'Calm, steady, and with a rhythm. It's almost like music.' 

Without thinking, she plays with his hair. 'When are we going to tell the others? When you graduated and by taking us away from here?' 

'Hmm.' Feeling her hand in his hair, he could easily fall asleep. 

'Shu?' She realizes it too. 'Don't fall asleep, please. They deserve to know. Although I mentioned that Reiji can't force me for that test. Only Kanato, Ayato, and you, because in his eyes, you three are the last candidates who could be his father. We know better, and you proved it a few times. Did you forget how you could calm Daik down no matter the situation?' 

He nods. 'Makes sense since I'm his father.' He comes up and kisses her cheek. 'Thank you for allowing me to be his father and your promise to leave with me.' 

Surprised at his sudden kiss, she puts her book on the bedside table. 'Shu?' 

'I'm truly grateful for what you're doing. Not once have you tried to escape, no matter how small the chance of success was. I will not forget what you said in the backyard. I'm back in class, paying attention to the teachers, and doing my homework. People talk, and I know what they say. Vampire hearing and all.' 

She laughs and pulls on the wire. 'Isn't that why you listen to music all the time? To drown out the noises.' 

'Yes and no, I'm not listening to music right now. It's rarely quiet around here when there's a woman with us.' His eyes move to Daiki. 'Yet here you are and with a baby.' 

Risa moves her head to her son. 'I can't believe he's twenty-three days old. Seven more days, and he has his vaccinations at the hospital. And before you ask, I have no say in the time. It's at ten-fifteen in the morning.' 

He leans on his hand close to her head. 'I'll make sure my morning is free then because I'm coming with you.' He can't help it and glares at her lips. Would she let me? He's my son. Mine. Mine and hers, so why would I ignore that weird feeling? It's new, and I don't know what to do about it. Giving in to it, he bends his head and kisses her again. Let me explore this new feeling with you. You made me feel like this after Yui. 

The kiss doesn't last long, and she doesn't know what to say. 'Shu?' What is this? 

'You make me feel new things, Risa. Feelings I thought didn't exist anymore.' His voice sounds both pleasant and confusing. 'Maybe because I know he's my son. I don't know if that plays a part.' 

She bites her lip. 'You have to find out yourself...' Another kiss follows and her resistance starts to crumble. What is this? I told Reiji that I'm not with anyone. Sure, then why did I promise Shu to leave with him after he graduates? She pushes him away. 'What came over you to kiss me?' 

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