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Finally, Reiji broke the barrier and is the first to go inside. Where he finds Kanato bent over Risa and ready to bite. 'I don't think so.' With his power, he moves his brother to the other side and hurries to her. 'Risa.' She's scared to die for real. 'Risa, it's me.' He lifts her head but her eyes are closed and tears stream down. 'Open your eyes, Risa. It's me, and I'm not alone.' 

A voice is getting through, and she opens her eyes. Oh, thank god. She welcomes his arms and feels like she can breathe again. 

'Did he bite her?' Laito holds Kanato with Ayato. 

'No, we were just in time.' Reiji shakes his head and helps her back up. 'Let's get you both back home.' 

Shu doesn't even look at Kanato and goes straight to Risa. 'Come on, you don't trust your legs and neither would you let go of Daiki.' He lifts them both up. 

'Shu?' It is him. 

'We're all here.' How long were they locked up? 'How about you warm up in bath with him? A meal would do you both good too.' 

'What about this one?' Ayato can't believe his brother. 

'He gets what he usually tries to avoid. Two blood bags and you need to apologize to Risa. You were close to killing them both because you lack control over your thirst,' demands Reiji. 

Shu teleports straight back home with Risa and Daiki. 'You're home now. And I'm glad we found you on time. I would kill Kanato if he so much lay a hand on you.' 

'I think that's what they want.' She hardly recognizes her voice. 

'I thought you left us first.' Worried, he checks her for any injuries. 'You promised me something, Risa. Don't go back on your word.' 

Her eyes feel heavy. 'Shu, don't leave.' 

'I won't.' He reassures her. Even asleep, he takes them both to the bathroom. Then a bath when you're both dressed. After that, clean and dry clothes with a meal, and you get some sleep. I won't leave you. I promised something as well. 


'No.' Risa moves in her sleep. 

Risa? Shu wakes up and wants to pull her closer when she pushes him away. 

'No, don't bite.' 

Of course, she has nightmares about last night. 'Risa, wake up.' He tries a different approach and kisses her. 

Her eyes shoot open and see Shu. Wait, instead of feeling fangs, I felt his lips. Tears come, and she hides in his arms. 'I'm sorry...' 

'There is nothing to be sorry for. Only one has to apologize and it's not you.' He strongly disagrees and pulls her closer. 'You might still be in shock. Reiji came into the bathroom last night to help Daiki, and you didn't want to let him go.' He reminds her. 'You didn't let go until he promised to bathe him in front of you. We know you're scared. Just how long were you locked up?' 

Accepting his embrace, she relaxes more. 'I think it must be a few hours. I had to feed Daiki to keep him from crying.' 

'And he's happy you did.' Reiji knocked and comes inside. 'He also mentioned that he'll be more careful. He will apologize for what happened.' He puts a tray on her bedside table. 'I got you your breakfast. While you eat, I will help Daiki. You're still recovering.' 

She moves away from Shu and looks at him. 'What will he apologize for? Not once have I heard him say sorry, and you know what he did to me.' 

Reiji cleans Daiki's diaper first. 'Not even once?' He says while turning back. 'Eat something, you barely ate anything last night after coming back home.' 

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