A few rings and finally an answer.

"911 what's your emergency" my breathing quickens, i can already feel a panic attack coming but I need to push through, my mother's bleeding out and I can't be selfish and think about myself.

"My m-mother s-shes bleeding so much, her w-wrists" my words stuttered, my sobs ringing through my ears, tears covering my cheeks.

"What's your address?" The person on the other side questions, the rest of the call was a blur, the time between then and when the ambulance arrived felt like years, yet felt so fast.

A bunch of people rush in through the door, immediately helping my mum onto the stretcher, making sure she was still awake, since she had lost a lot of blood.

I felt my heart pumping in my chest, not here, not now, not in the ambulance, let them focus on your mother, she could die.

But I just couldn't stop the fast paced breathing, the blurry vision as tears filled my eyes.

I didn't realise that people were around me helping me control my breathing until the panic attack had stopped.

We arrived at the hospital, they rushed my umama into the emergency room, letting me sit in the waiting area, they said she'd be there for awhile and if I needed to call anyone to stay with me it'd be best if I did it now since I'll be here awhile.

I took out my phone, my hands still shaking as I tried to message someone, anyone.

Around an hour later the hospital doors swing open revealing Liam.

He frantically looks around the room, rushing over to me once he spots me, picking me up and spinning me around.

Once he places me down, he moves my hair from my face where I hid the mark from my dad hitting me from the doctors and nurses.

"Who did this to you gem?" I could see the anger and rage in his eyes, yet his tone was cool and calm.

"Nothing, it... it doesn't matter" he sighs moving his hand away from my cheek, pressing a soft kiss to it.

"Please, I'm begging you to tell me" he kisses my cheek once again, looking into my eyes for some sought of answer.

"Um It was... me I fell of the sofa when i rushed to my mum" he shakes his head, I knew he knew I was lying and i knew that it hurt him, but I couldn't bring myself to tell him that my father hits me and worse.

Because once I say it out loud, it makes it mu full reality, maybe once I trust him more, or once we're closer I'll tell him... maybe.

We both sit in the hospital room, for hours, he promised me apollo was ok watching alina. He also said Katie was going to come, but she had to keep an eye on Jacob since he's he's struggling recently, I told him that was OK, and I want Jacob to be ok.

"Do you want to go grab some food, get some fresh air, it's not good waiting in here forever" he quietly says in my ear as I sit on his knee.

I nod my head quietly, he walks out carrying me, my legs wrapped around his waist.

We hop in his car and I make sure to put my phone volume on full incase the hospital ring whilst we head to McDonald's.

We make it to the closest McDonald's and go through the drive through.

"What do you want, you can have anything and everything" he says I silently shrug my shoulders, thinking about what happened want, but before I have the chance Liam already speaks up.

"Could i have 2 of everything on the menu" he says the man on the othersude of the machine, stuttered whilst speaking making sure that's what he wants.

We drive to the paying window, and the price was beyond ridiculous, I felt extremely bad for making Liam pay for all of that.

We sit waiting for the food, it finally comes out and we stick it on the backseat as Liam drives to god knows where.

We were driving for around 5 minutes before making it to a large field where Liam revered into it hopping out and taking the food to the boot, where a bunch of pillows and blankets lay.

We both sat eating a whole lot of McDonald's, watching the stars that filled the sky reflecting onto the beautiful ocean water.

We wrapped ourselves in pillows and blankets, continuing to eat, by far my favourite memory.

Not just one of my favourite memory's.
It was my favourite memory.
And that memory was with Liam.

Word count-1283-Hope you all enjoyed this chapter, also Liam and Amber>>>> They're so cute. I wonder if Amber's mum will be ok or not? Xx

 I wonder if Amber's mum will be ok or not? Xx

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