"If I were you I'd get the fuck out of this restaurant." I snapped back. He laid the palm of his hands onto the counter and pushed himself up, walking backwards and away from me.

"Have it your way, young lady." I hated that he always called me that, it was some kind of twisted nickname he's called me from the start. Thankfully he swung the door to The Wreck open and disappeared around the corner.

I anxiously waited for the last table to finish eating and ask for the check. I needed to text JJ and tell him what happened. I also wanted him to meet me here so I wouldn't have to walk home alone, the thought now terrified me.

"Clocking out!" I announced when my final table left and Mike sent me a wave and a quick 'goodbye'. Once I made it outside I was hit with the cool night air and pulled my phone from my pocket.

"Shit." I groaned, it was dead. I could go back inside and ask Mike to use his but I didn't want him questioning why I was scared to walk home alone. So, I buttoned my metaphorical big girl pants and began my walk.

My chest began rising and falling anxiously when I walked past JJ's house, worried that his father was home and on some type of war path.

When I thought I was finally in the clear I heard the voice I was dreading to hear behind me, "Why don't you come on inside? We need to have a little chat!" Luke called down the road but I kept walking.

"Leave me alone, Luke!" I huffed. I heard the sound of quick footsteps approaching me and turned around, being met with Luke's eyes as he grabbed onto my arm.

"I said, we need to have a little chat." He spat and I tried pulling away but I knew it wouldn't work, he was stronger than me. Unfortunately the darkness masked us as he pulled me down the sidewalk and slipped his hand over my mouth. I kicked my legs and twisted my body so he would lose his grip but nothing worked. Watching the front door close behind us when he dragged me into the house was like sinking to the bottom of the ocean.

"Stop fighting me!" He screamed and drew his hand back, smacking me and letting my body go so I'd fall onto the floor. Tears spilled from my eyes from the pain.

"What do you want!? I just wanna go home, Luke!" I exclaimed, pushing myself off all fours so I was now on the ground, leaning my back against the wall.

"I'm taking care of this situation before it ruins my sons life more than you already have!" He kneeled down and got in my face as he continued to yell, "You two and your little 'love', my son doesn't know what 'love' is!"

"Yes he does." I said breathlessly, still feeling the affect of him hitting me in the head, "And guess what, Luke? He's gonna love this baby, too. I can't wait to see the smile on his face when I tell him." I smiled up at him, knowing my words would rile him up more. I honestly didn't know what JJ's reaction would be but I'd be willing to bet money that, aside from being terrified, he'd be happy. Even though we were seventeen and this wasn't at all planned, we'd figure it out together, like we always do.

"Can't be happy about something that don't exist." Luke's voice quieted down and I didn't even have time to react before he grabbed me by the back of my head and threw me to the floor. His fist connected with my jaw, sending my small body flush against the ground. I tried using my arms to push myself up but was stopped when Luke kicked me in the side.

"Come on, now, get up! I know my son taught you better than to back down from a fight!" He screamed from above me. I used every ounce of strength I had as I pushed my body up, now on my hands and knees as I took another deep breath. Right when I was going to stand up Luke kicked me in the stomach, sending my body once again to the ground.

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