Chapter Two: The Stabbed Man

Start from the beginning


"Just kidding, bro, "Persie laughed, "Actually I don't think there is anything I'm gonna miss.From childhood I was keen to attend Magicademia, especially ever since sis was enrolled in there. I just used to stare at that high and large red brick building, whenever Mom and Dad took me to get her home."

"All right, bye." Ryan said they walked out of the school gate, probably for the final time,"Best wishes for you."

 "And you too, man!" Persie patted his back and strode away.

Ryan walked the way home and thought about his possibilities of succeeding. Can he actually do it? He's been thinking about this all day today—that's the reason he's a little quiet today. Otherwise he is the most spirited and talkative boy in the whole class.

Ryan has doubts whether he can pass or not— he didn't even nearly as hard as Persie or any other friend of his.

Yes, he has got some of his dad's old books—but he still doubts. Thousands of boys and girls are going to attend this exam. Topping all of them, how can he—an ordinary boy with ordinary origins—possibly do this?

Yes, he was ordinary- not any different from the other boys in Scypherburgh. He had a light green skin, big blue eyes, brown ruffled hair and a face looking younger than he actually is. He was tall- not too tall, but not too short either. His eyes always showed immense curiosity and his legs bold for a long run, blossoming with green youth. He was well thin, but still he couldn't remember when he was sick last time.

However, Ryan tried to free himself from thoughts and entered through the gate of his house. 

His house was a good one. His maternal grandfather built this house and he seemed to have a very nice taste. The one-storey house had plenty of rooms and it looked beautiful with a big balcony with stairs in front. The windows had no bars and the doors were made of pure mahogany wood. The front garden was full of beautiful flowers and blossoms . The grass was evenly mowed. A couple of butterflies flew over the flowerbeds, and there on the balcony waiting for him was his mother. She was an ever-smiling woman with not more than thirty-six years of age. Her skin and her hair which hung down her neck shared the same color as her son. She possessed black eyes however. 

She smiled at her son and asked," How was your day, dear ?" 

"Good , mom." He casually answered as he entered home with his mother and started to unbuckle his shoes . 

"What's that matter which is troubling you?" His mother asked him as he threw his school bag as usual on his bed.

"Nothing," Ryan replied. 

"Don't lie to me," His mother smiled again , "I suppose you are nervous for the exam tomorrow. " 

Ryan couldn't help grinning . How does his mom become able to understand  the truth every time? Do all mothers possess that power ? 

"Yes, mom," He confessed, "I'm afraid I can't pass. " 

"You shouldn't be. You have it in your bloodline.Your dad was a warlock—you shouldn't forget." 

"But I haven't worked that hard like my friends ! " 

"That, " His mom continued, " has nothing to do with the exam. I reckon you'll have to know a little about the exam before you attend it. " 

 "I already know all of that already, mom." 

" I know that you know already,dear. But you have to go a bit deeper . But before that you have to change your clothes, while I serve your lunch. " 

" Mom, I don't feel like eating, " Ryan wheedled.  

"No excuses, Ryan—or shall I feed you ?"

" No - no- it's okay,"Ryan said quickly and went into his bathroom to change. 

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